And I thik that Umaga will win the WWE Royal Rumble
I like Umaga, I really do, however, considering the fact that since 1993, there have only been 4 heels to win the Royal Rumble (2 of which, Michaels and Austin, were practically on the verge of turning face), I seriously doubt that Umaga or any other heel is going to win this thing.
Only thing i will guess, is that [hopefully] a Raw superstar wins it? I would think so, considering besides Edge, Batista and Taker, Smackdown! has pretty much no main eventers.
Actually I think the abundance of RAW main eventers is precisely why the shouldn't win the Rumble. They've got their main event possibilities up the ying-yang. Smackdown! need to win this rumble to give their three decent main eventers an excuse to wrestle again until this draft happens.
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