You find it offensive? Don't worry, we'll help you. Hi, I'm Craig and I work for the National Association for the Advancement of Caucasian People (NAACP).
Total-KO's forum posts
[QUOTE="Darthmatt"]I think the African cultural stance favoring sexual promiscuity and un-protected sex is the real culprit here.NicktehImperial
Can you please back up this outragous claim?
You can't be serious. Are you suggesting he is misinformed?
[QUOTE="Total-KO"]Can I have link to where the Pope said that please..?
Sorry no link, i have his number on speed dial, i just talked to him. He told me i was screwed..
Yeah.. about making jokes... don't. You're not very good.
[QUOTE="killaj2786"][QUOTE="Loonie"][QUOTE="Franken_Berry"]"The head of the Catholic church in Mozambique said on Wednesday..."
Something tells me this discredits anything this man might have to say about contraceptives.
This guy is just saying that to scare people away from using condoms.caje47
If this is their way of trying to make people not have sex before marriage, I call intstant fail on this one.
Sorry if its too late for you but the pope said you will burn in hell if you use them. Also, you don't want to know what happens to you if you touch yourself at night..
Can I have link to where the Pope said that please..?
"The head of the Catholic church in Mozambique said on Wednesday..."
Something tells me this discredits anything this man might have to say about contraceptives.
Is there something you'd like to say then? Don't hide your "wisdom" from us now.
I tried to ask this really hot girl out. But, she said no embrassing me in front of my peeps and home dawgs.
Why would you ask her out in front of your friends anyway? Putting her on the spot in front of people won't tip the decision in your favor.
But, I have all this "info" on her that one of my hacker friends got. The group that I'm in won't let me be part of the group unless I post all the "info" on every Internet site I can. If I do I could get in some serious trouble. But, if I don't I will be disgrace with even less honor than I have now.
You don't get honor through betrayal. It might sound like a tagline for the cheesiest Kung Fu Movie ever, but in the end, it's the truth. If they really were your friends they wouldn't make you do it.
There are PAL PS3's, NTSC PS3 and whatever, but are they region free for every game?
I'm getting people saying to me that they are region free and any game will work on any PS3, but I have my doubts.
Are there any people who've bought gaijin (foreign) PS3's and have had good experiences with them? Do they work with your nation's games?
It's just cheaper for me to buy one if I can because the pricing system for the PS3 is ridiculous in the UK. We're paying double than the Yanks..
I'll put a poll up but some constructive posting would be more appreciative.
Denying our own impulses is denying the very thing that makes us humans
I think this phrase reflects upon our most generic impluses, excluding such accurate depictions like the sexual abuse of an infant.
Such generic impulses is our impulse to be omnivorous.
Our impulse to fall for someone.
Our impulse to fight for our beliefs.
Our impulse to believe in something.
Our impulse to find the answer.
OMG lol that show is hilarious.. yet compelling to watch.
It's like a soap opera with meerkats! Wait.. it IS a soap opera with meerkats.
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