[QUOTE="Total-KO"][QUOTE="Tolwan"] A freedom fighter gathers up arms to fight against a superior military and government establishment. Whereas a Terrorist kills Civilians en masse to encite terror to gain control.
So, there is a huge difference.
The IRA, ETA andAl-Qaeda do both.
Also, the Palestinian Military does both.
The American Revolutionary Army did both.
The American army in Iraq and Vietnam did both.
A Freedom Fighter doesnt perform terrorism. Once you start deliberately killing civilians to gain power, you are labeled a terrorist. That is what makes you a terrorist. Like, i may be a soldier, but once i start killing civilians deliberately en masse in order to gain control through fear, i then become a Terrorist.
They may still fight against the establishment, but since they use the deaths of civilian populations to do it, they are terrorists.
Also, my college history may be failing me through the summer, but i am pretty sure there were no acts of deliberate killing of civilians by americans in both the Revolutionary war and Vietnam. The stuff you heard during vietnam was by and large Propoganda by the hippie movement at the time.
So you'd be willing to admit thatsome soldiers in the British and U.S. army are terrorists?
Are you serious about the Vietnam war? There were NO deliberate civilian killings in the Vietnam war? What do the American schools teach?
There was a massive deliberate civilian killing in De Nang I think, (I lost my GCSE history book so I can't confirm the place.)
Also, I believe that there were a lot of African American/ Slave killings by both sides in the American Revolutionary War
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