@Imatyta DKC Returns is ten times better than Call of Duty so, yeah. I agree that Nintendo does some pretty stupid moves, but I'll take some of their games over some of the crap that passes for AAA titles nowadays.
@Elaisse Well, first of not every country has a shit economy, and even then the higher end of the middle class and up in the US will be able to afford the consoles. So yeah, they're going to sell, especially considering that they'll probably be cheaper than the previous generation.
@fluffy_puppy666 @untouchables111 It actually will make a difference.Visually, if it lives up to the clips from the presentation then I don't need to explain, as for the rest, we'll be able to have much better AI, something that's lacking in many games.
@shadowboy88 Yeah, Gearbox outsourced a lot of stuff to focus on Borderlands. As for Sega, it's Sega. Their last decent-ish game was Viking. And it was just that, decent.
@Stabba_The_Kutt Your point ? Never said anything about the money, but since Modern Warfare 2 it's been breeding streamlined, boring games, both in the CoD series and from other developers. Nothing to do with funding but with what caters to the console masses. There's little interest in relevant story telling, character depth or even balanced multiplayer, making shallow, overpriced games.
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