@cloud9allday @Warful @Trail_Mix @itnetpro I know it's an opinion, I just stated that.Do we even know what the updated PS Eye does anyway? Could of swore Sony stated it was on par with Kinect 2.0. Maybe I'm wrong.
@cloud9allday @Trail_Mix @itnetpro What do you want me to say? I'm sorry, but the Kinect holds no value to me in my opinion. I could give you a copy & paste of all the things new with the PS4 over the PS3, if that's what you want.
@itnetpro @Trail_Mix I think the gaming community, as a whole, should get together to figure out a sold distinction between innovation and gimmicks.
@itnetpro "The logic of making the Kinect standard is to ensure that publishers will support the device."You mean like the Wii U tablet that no developer seems to include good use for?
@cursealoud @cloud9allday @cyclonebw You're gonna have to do some explaining. because just saying what you're saying doesn't do your stance any justice.
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