Slow and Steady, I mostly play RPGs so I go around to find any gear that i can and make sure my parties are over leveled. Once I beat a game then I will play it again slow and steady and handicap myself to make it more of a challenge o3o Now if I ever buy dark souls~ Idk if I'll need to handicap myself o3o
No Bethesda makes me angry, and I dont waste my time with them anymore. I refuse to buy anything that has their name on it anymore, after how much of a failure it was bug wise. I still play oblivion and Morrowind. Skyrim felt stale when it was working. I have more fun with Oblivion o3o It was fun at first, but now it just seems like the same things over and over, not particularly fun.
Aside from all the PS3 issues it was ok. I did not like the over simplified leveling system, nor the condensing of the skills. Wielding a mace, would of course be different than wielding a sword. Alsot he story felt epic, but the final battle as so anti climatic for me. Fighting dragons got boring quickly, to the point that when I had the roaming dragons start to attack me I would just walk away while they went to char a deer. The battles were too easy as well, even on master the game was a little pansy walk I actually have to handicap myself to make the game feel like I'm actually trying to survive. All in All I have to say this is the worst of the 3 lastest games in the series :P I liked oblivion best for its system, while still keeping a decent amount of skills. Morrowind second for it's heavy lore based reading, and the sheer amount of skills. Skyrim starts to feel like a chore after a while since you can max skills quickly, and all thats left to do after that is dungeon crawling for cheap artifacts.
No there is gore :P headless bodies, pools of blood. Corpses hanging upside down and charred. Necromancy. tombs full of dead people. I agree with the first reply. If you have your parents watching what you play perhaps its best you wait for now. An alternative solution would be to talk to your mom about it, its a brilliant game really. But don't get yourself in a spot of trouble over it :P You're mature enough to come on to the forums and ask around to see how bad it is before you actually get it, so perhaps if you talk to her and explain to her thats not what the game is wonderful for she may let you ? :P Don't lie to her, lies always come out xP Best to be honest, and mature to prove to her that you can handle the gore :)
I have it for the PS3 so of course I have issues XD I was lucky enough to have it run well for me though I guess the way I play makes it ok :P I don't particularly play it anymore though I have more fun with Oblivion. However they just announced they are "Close" to new "content" to be released on the PS3, if that is true, and it doesn't actually break the game I may go back to start a new assassin character :P If not, I'll be selling it shortly, and never buying products from or trusting Bethesda again. Not because they didn't release any content, but because of the way they handle the situation.
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