TransFishers' forum posts
[QUOTE="arkephonic"]it's obviously a battle he can't win, because if anything, he's just fueling the fire.Nuck81That happens when you try to justify yourself and yet continue to make even more contradictory statements... I believe the saying is "when in a hole, do not try to dig yourself out".
I actually don't give a sh*t about the game. The problem is the piss poor logic presented in the review. That is what ticks me off, the score be damned, much like every other one of the reviews the man has ever written.All of this over a simple arcade game..
God damn SW. Oh and lol at the overreacting personal attacks at the reviewer. Tom didn't have fun. Scored it as he thought was appropriate. Get the fvck over it. Lookin like a bunch of damn fools. The Simpsons Arcade? Really? :|
It's quite funny how you hate on someone for thinking differently to you :osoulitaneSorry, I can't hear you over the incredibly loud sucking noise.
I'm not sure why you couldn't pick up on these points in my review, so I hope you can understand them easier here.TomMcSheaWell their is this problem of the review being a jumbled mess written by an idiot.
[QUOTE="TransFishers"]I agree. Review games for what they are, not what you want them to be. If the only negative is that it's an accurate port of the arcade original, then writing a review at all seems like a waste of time.TomMcShea
That's exactly what I did. This is a short game with tedious combat and lousy unlockables. It's bad. As I said in my review, it's Good that it's acrade perfect so historians have a copy of this game, but that doesn't mean it's fun to play. I'm not sure why you think I was measuring it against some hypothetical belief of what it should be. I played it, it's boring, and I detailed why that's the case.
I don't care if a game was fun twenty years ago. People have limited time and money, and I would be doing them a disservice if I gave it a high score just because I had fun with it when I was ten.
You're an idiot. (A delusional idiot, at that) You said it was an accurate emulation of the original, then went on to score it a 3.0 for not having modern features and having a lack of a compelling narrative, which comes back to the whole "idiot" thing. You are so stupid that my brain is trying to claw it's way out of my head screaming "WHY DO YOU MAKE ME READ THIS SH*T, WHY DO YOU HATE ME". Jesus, you give the internet aids just by existing.
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