Hä? So you guys really didn't realize that the Xbox360 just scales the games up to 720p, but it's not real 720p since it's only scaling. As far as I know there are just some arcade games which runs on 720p but the DVD games does not.
Anyway of that, what I wanted to tell is that even the resolution makes it much smoother. The point is, the most gaming graphics cards supports digital resolutions up to 1600p, so if you have an display or device which supports a resolution up to that value, you can get the full use of it on PC.
I don't understand. What expectations do they have for a game like this? I mean ok, Tomb Raider is a nice game, but it's not more than a game which is OK after all. If they wanted more sales, so why they didn't spend more work into Tomb Raider? I've a lot of arguments in what this game could have been better.
These guys are just talking crap. Especially that analyst guy....
Well, it's not uncommon that most people rejects the multiplayer feature. Actually, most people only knows developer who are already gotten bogged to money so games were never worth paying more attention in development. It seems like CD Projekt is the last developer/pubisher existing who is still setting to true development of games and didn't lose focus on it yet. Unfortunately there are still people who don't know that or who have lost hope into this.
But I say you, these guys from CD Projekt are going to revolutionise with their projects and rejects of DRM-like protections, you will see! CD Projekt already entered this stage, they won't renege on their promises.
CD Projekt has my fully endorsement for Cyberpunk 2077 and for its multiplayer feature as well :)
Yay, you're pretty right, but I don't think so that this game is going to crush on consoles since it's CD Projekt, mate ;P
Or maybe it will, but after the PC Version is completed, so this game is going to build on PC performance and not on consoles. If it crushes on consoles after the pc version release, no one will mind but the console players. Maybe or maybe not, well, I don't mind anyway, because I am going to buy this game on PC.
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