While there are many things I agree with the "ownership" part I don't. I will admit that some do take it to extremes though but look at it from our perspective.
We have games we like, we have genres we like and we have developer companies we like, if we like a portion of a product then we go by hunch and hand out money with the expectation to be satisfied with the product. But what if we aren't?
Is it not common to complain on something you don't like regardless of what it is? If you buy a skin lotion and it gives you a rash, are you a entitled crybaby if you complain about it?
If you buy a car and you find out the breaks don't work, does it make you a snobby brat if you complain about it?
If you buy a Ipad and it short circuit one hour later, should you just shut up and accept it because you spent money on something you thought would work.
The thing is there is only two things a gamer has that might sway a game developer, one is to stop buying their products and second is their voice and even then a game developer can turn a deaf ear to it. Take the Mass Effect 3 ending situation, I was one of them that vocally said that the endings were a illogical mumbled up work that was way below in quality then anything Bioware had done before. They felt like they had taken a day and gone " Bah that'll do, they can guess the rest"
Did Bioware have to listen? No. Sure they may have lost customers and fans if they didn't but those could be replaced with younger consumers. Instead they choose to and while some are still not satisfied, the key point is they actually listened. They didn't sit there like the other developers and game reviwers on various sites here and said " Oh those gamers should just shut up cause they're entitled brats"
In any business there is one golden rule, "keep your customers satisfied" and that means a business has to be open to feedback. Because regardless of how artistic a game looks, regardless of how great and powerful a story is and how much work is put into a game. The final main goal, be it big or small, is to earn money. The gaming industry is in the end a business.
Gamers are the group that a developer can use to progress. It's not ownership, in the end a Developer owns the rights to the game but gamers can cooperate with the developers to make the business larger and more profitable.
While I'm all for equal rights regardless of sex and less discrimination, and Yes there are times when Women are sexualized from time to time but it's changed over the years and frankly this sounds silly and quite honestly rather biased.
For instance out of 11 Videos talking about Female Video game characters there is only one, ONLY ONE, That is to show the "Perfect Female character " according to them.
Only one.
Is this to say that all female characters, Or even all women If you pull this to outside of Video games, who don't fit into that one genre are frowned upon?
People are different, Heck there's not a single guy in the world that's identical in behaviour, thoughts, preferences, looks etc. as another one. They may have many similarities but they're not identical. Neither are women.
There's a difference between getting equal treatment in therms of work and daily life issues, It's a whole different thing when you want people to fit into a certain group.
Don't get me wrong working to keep women from being sexualixed, go for it, but don't get into the " There is no diversity, they have to be like this and that's final" thought cause honestly that's a huge leap from everybody being equal.
If pointing out a flaw and wanting it changed with a game is going against the artistic integrity of the developers then..exactly what is game reviewers doing?
They usually write a little about the good stuff and then about the not so good stuff and often with a underlying message of " If only they fixed this to be a different way then it would be better". They're essentially doing the same thing, Difference is they don't say it out bluntly most of the time and get paid for it. We put it out bluntly and are slammed as Entitled cry babies who should just shut up and be happy with spending 60-100$ on something they aren't completely satisfied with.
As for the "Games are art", Games can be CONSIDERED art but they are ENTERTAINMENT PRODUCTS firstly, Same as films. You watch a movie to be entertained and if it's a very well done movies then it can be considered art or a classic,
You play games to be entertained and again if it's very well done then it can be considered art and a classic.
Welcome to the real world where there is no Black or White, Art or Product, but both.
I hope they don't reveal every enemy, I kinda want to round a corner and see this figure, watch it for a breif moment thinking " What the hell is that?", Then go all " Oh crap, Oh crap, Oh crap" as it attacks.
Videogames are entertainment products first and formost, a consumer buys them to be entertained. Thus they are products, if there is a fault with a product or it's not what the creators told the potential consumers how it would be then a consumer has a right to complain. For instance, If a salesman tells you that you can get a brand new latest model BMW in tip top condition, and it turns out when you get it that the breaks don't work. Are you just supposed to accept it? If you buy a tv and the colors are distorted, wouldn't you complain? Also if an artist says he'll sell you a painting of a forest and after he's been given his money he then hands you a painting of a ocean, wouldn't you want what you paid for? So far the gaming industry is close to the only industry that brands a consumer complaint as "loud mouthed sounds from a whining crybaby", even worse the ones who report and reviews games are the one who activly uses this kinda of behaviour. Shameful is too nice a word to describe it.
So if a part of a game is bad then the consumer shouldn't voice their desire to have it fixed cause that would be going against the developers artistic integrity? If so then clearly this means we can't voice our desire to remove bugs and glitches as that too would ruin the "Artistic integrity", nor should we use mods on games to improve the visuals or add various features, afterall who are we to want to tamper with their art?
In many screenshots you can view Max wielding a handgun in one hand and a sub machine gun in another, is this something you can choose and mix or is it a predetermined set?
Treflis' comments