Not important what they said. More important what they didn't say. They don't sound like they are optimistic to port PS4 and Xbone titles to NX at all. It sounds like NX will once again be a special snowflake console that is skipped by AAA titles...
Unless it has 2 GTX 1080s there is no way it can run 4K 60 fps games at the same quality. Period.
At least Sony is realistic. They know that's utopia at the price point they sell the Pro. Ultra settings at 1440p at 60 fps is what current high end GPUs can handle and there is no way Microsoft can top that unless the Scorpio costs like $1000.
Eh. Moderate requirements. Though I have seen better looking games running on less. And I don't see anything that wouldn't run on Windows 7 through DX 11 or Vulkan.
@normanislost: I might not have gotten all the upvotes but check out Page 5 where people criticize the same thing as I did and they got plenty of good upvotes which I would translate as people agreeing with them.
@sakaixx: You just pointed out my whole point why giving things a score is ridiculous as you just said. Giving an indie game a 9 is not like giving an AAA game an 8. Yet this will have a huge effect on the sales of the game and people's perceptions.
Score 8? LMAO You are telling I should rather buy Kentucky Route Zero over this? Look I love games like Abzu and whatnot, but Deus Ex is not an 8. It's so obvious how paid you all are. The scores don't mean anything anymore. You might as well just get rid off them like Kotaku and just tell people Buy, hold off until patch or don't buy. Don't undermine people's work like that. Look at the cons. They are not even good reasons. Oh, yeah overclocking augments is such a game breaker. Oh the plot is too complex for my pretty head...
Man this is why this industry is going downhill because everyone is mentally overwhelmed by a rich single player campaign. Easier to just fight people on the same map over and over again...
Trickymaster's comments