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Trigger_Devil Blog

Yearly Bell's Weekly Recap - 21/1/2008

Watch closely because here comes the recap... if you aren't paying attention, you might miss it: If your Xbox is depressed, try playing seven days in a row like Yearly Bell did last week. It has a way of making you a bit giddy... Our gamerscore jumped 210 points which was nice. Getting 12 achievements has that effect.

There were only a few games I wanted to try this week Yearly Bell and I only tried one of them: Call of Duty 4. Oh, and Yearly Bell seems obsessed with first-person shooters lately... You can tell because The Orange Box was the favorite last week. He played it on 6 of the days.

And that's it... short and sweet, just like my power cord.

First blog on my new lappy!

Thats right folks, I got a new laptop! Finally!! I can't find a picture :| But its got Vista & a built in webcam & stuff, it's awesome...I just can't seem to get Windows Live to work...but neh & as you can see I've lost all creativity for writing blogs, so I'll catch ya all laterz!

Yearly Bell's Weekly Recap - 14/1/2008

My eye! It burns! A weekly recap is all that can save me! Here goes: It is a good one! Yearly Bell had seven days of gaming! In a row! I know! Crazy! We added 20 points of gamerscore. Points are good! Those 2 achievements were worth it I guess! Also, according to the records, Yearly Bell must have been craving some FPS action because The Orange Box was the weekly favorite. He played it on 7 of the days. And that is the news for now... Check back next week... same bat time, same bat channel...

New banner!+Yearly Bell Story

So first, another new banner :o XD Please R&C :D

Also, anyone wanna make me a blog header? Cause mine is Christmas themed & thats gone now :P & why I'm at it, anyone wanna make me a sig as-well? :lol:

Also why my gamertag is Yearly Bell...'It was Christmas eve, I signed into MSN & started talking to friends, telling them all about how excited I was, upon talking to one friend, Ultimate-Drift or Cal as nearly everyone else knows him, I was left in a painfull fit of giggles, since when I told him he reply'd with something along the line of "I will too, when I get my yearly bell in the ear"'

now depending on what kind of mind ya got in your skull, you may or may not see why that made Christmas for me but I thought it was fugging hilarious


Yearly Bell's Weekly Recap - 7/1/2008 (Yearly Bell is my Gamertag)

Watch closely because here comes the recap... if you aren't paying attention, you might miss it: If you are an Xbox, you might be jealous that Yearly Bell showed up to game 6 days this last week. Happy happy joy joy! It was productive... Gamerscore went up 85 points so I am happy. Yay for 7 achievements! w00t!

I was feeling a little bored last week and pestered Yearly Bell to try a new game: Blue Dragon. It wasn't as cool as I thought it would be. Oh, and Yearly Bell seems obsessed with first-person shooters lately... You can tell because The Orange Box was the favorite last week. He played it on 6 of the days.

So that's it. Thanks for reading. PM us for a game or something. We get lonely.

Hmm...(please read, again)

I think I may have solved it & the idea of me dissapearing 'till the summer may have been avoided. I used my XP disk to wipe my lappy & re-install XP. I think tho I created my C-Drive wrong, but I have my external to save things to. The problem is mind that MSN or Windows Live as its now called doesn't seem to wanna play ball. If push comes to shove, it will mean a new messenger program will have to be installed, so, which one are you guys on AIM, Yahoo, something else?

well I hope I'm here to stay :P

I'm gonna be gone, dunno how long (everyone read)

After my Laptop showed me the 'Blue Screen of Death' about 4 times last night I gave up. Waking up this morning remembering the last time this happened, I simply had to reformat my Laptop. This wouldn't work either, getting to 95% & restarting or saying my Hard-Drive was corrupt. So it means that I need a new laptop hard-drive & after my spending spree after christmas I am now pretty skint meaning I gotta get the money for this hard-drive somehow, it means obviously that I won't be on. I may be able to get on my step-dads PC like now, but I probably wont be able to often. I'd rather not be demoted from my unions, but do as you will.


My blog is no longer private so read & comment!

First things first...HAPPY NEW YEAR!

Second off, sorry to everyone, especially union leaders who lead unions I'm an officer in, that I'm not very active anymore, but tomorrow is my last day of holiday for a couple of months (I think) so I'm trying to get in as much game time as possible!

Finally heres my game of the year category's, most the images & layout ideas stolen from DIMANICUS, lol.

Although frustrating at times, this game is rewarding, very rewarding, sadly the most frustrating part of this game is combat & you do a lot of fighting. What is good is everything else, basically. Apart from a few graphical glitches. Perfection is the games name.

Now lets get the fact over that TF2 is in the Orange Box, yeah I know, but to simply register Orange Box as the game & all the individual achievements null is just dumb. So why is TF2 my fave FPS? my god, the reasons go beyond the dimensions of this webpage! Amazing graphics, c-l-a-s-s systems to suit all play s-t-y-l-e-s. Amazing sound clips which give characters personality, level design that truely utilises everything at its disposal & a game community that is not just lots of kids who are spoilt (its a lot deeper than those reasons but space is needed).

First off, I understand most people will say...wait, BioShock is an FPS! Well in my opinion, the RPG elements in BioShock are a lot stronger than the FPS. Why is BioShock the best RPG of 2007? The setting is unique & brilliant, the back stories of the world & all the characters are fully fleshed out, imersing you in ways I thought only books could & the in-game current story in which you's!

Now I do understand this is Xbox Live only & has no real game story, it's just a shooter but my god forget the smokes & the booze, this games level of addiction is just...woah. There are few game types, all basically involve killing eachother, but the c-l-a-s-s system stops this from being boring, you can also change c-l-a-s-s on the fly. Meaning theres always a different way to play the game. I enjoy to play as a medic for half the rounds & a heavy the other half. It is two completely different experiences keeping things fresh.

You guessed it! Although I have only been playing for a couple of weeks, I know, I will be playing this game, through out 2008, kiss my arse Gaylo3 & Cod4, TF2 is where I'm at!