It's the good ol' silent majority syndrome, those that hate on something will always seem to be in greater number than those who like it. I love it, one of my favorite games this gen. I have a feeling that most people are on the side that its a great game.
Trigger_Hppy's forum posts
Go play L4D on Expert and then tell me its not fun. On normal, its admittedly a bit of a snooze-fest. But get it so that even one mistake gets you trashed, and its suddenly one of the most exciting games out there.
By no means am I a huge fan of handhelds, I usually just roll iPod, but I have both the DS and PSP, and I definitely use my DS a lot more, for what its worth. Just know that the DS is a true portable, while the PSP is sort of a PlayStation cramed into a portable, if that makes sense. PSP is much more ambitious, but its not nearly as on-the-road friendly.
I know, when's the last time Halo did anything in sales and community excitement? Oh, wait...
Sarcasm aside, I'm not getting it, but it looks like a fine game to me, though the $60 seems like a hard pill to swallow I suppose. Its still going to crush everything when it comes out in terms of sales and publicity though.
Admittedly, I haven't played L4D on PC, but the 360 is great. I'm well on my way to beating all on Expert, only Dead Air left, so maybe its not the lag that's holding you back...
The console version of Valves games are always bad. I'll be buying this on the PC.aaronmullan
I thought both Left 4 Dead and The Orange Box were great on the 360, minus the horrible support for TF2 (and that was my favorite game :cry: ). But they support Left 4 Dead pretty well, so I'm a happy camper.
I gotta say I'm dead set against Natal and what it implies for Xbox, but I couldn't stop smiling when watching that clip.
[QUOTE="Senor_Kami"] Your precious GS also says Perfect Dark Zero = Infamous, Killzone 2... and PDZ > Ico, Ratchet PS3, Shadow of the Colossus, Uncharted :(tonitorsi
remember SW rule #12: GS review is the only one that matters ONLY when its in your favor
no need to bring logic into it :P
You can save the mockery to yourself.
Its a fact and you're gona have to live with it as long as you get your butt in the computer, go to GS, and log in to your account. And if it works in my favor so what? I like it just as I've liked many other games. Is great game no gamer should miss.
You're not making any sense. Its not his favorite game of 08', so you bring up GameSpot's vote. Opinions cannot be canceled by another's opinion.
lol potential sony will have to drop the price on their overpriced failure eventually, but i doubt anyone will buy it. it's pretty much established itself as a disaster nowhy4k
Japan says hello.
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