TriggerheartEx's forum posts
[QUOTE="TriggerheartEx"][QUOTE="Cedmln"]Lol That Splinter Cell screenshot looks miles better than Gears 2. Thats a shame. :lol:
Oh and by the way. NO.
Not even close, what are you smoking?
The picture he posted of splinter cell looks just as good so i doubt thats actually in game.
Its blurry, how can you not see that?
Lol That Splinter Cell screenshot looks miles better than Gears 2. Thats a shame. :lol:
Oh and by the way. NO.
Not even close, what are you smoking? As much as I love SC, they're using the same blur effect as KZ2, there is no detail at all, it looks realistic, but in a blurry sort of way.
[QUOTE="TriggerheartEx"]Honestly Gears 1 had NO story, I had no idea what was going on other then- I kill the creatures. That was my understanding of the story from the first game, and you what............I liked it like that!!!! Straight up action, no BS, just balls to the wall action, that's the way games should be, if I wan't a great story, I watch a movie. If I wan't fun gamepley, I play a game simple as that.
Unfortunately I heard they were really working on the story for Gears 2. :|
a game can have story AND gameplay, you know.
Maybe, but sometimes I think the need for story in games has gotten way out of hand, if developers put 100% of there time into pure gameplay instead of 50/50 on story and gameplay, I'd be a happy man.
Like someone else said here some of the best games ever made had no storys, but people don't care because the gameplay is good. And people play games games.
[QUOTE="TriggerheartEx"][QUOTE="Zerostatic0"]You act like you can't have the best of both worlds. Awesome gameplay as well an epic elegant story with characters that make you care about them. Don't you think it would have been more fun if instead of killing creatures just because they're in your path you were killing them because you felt like you were fighting for something, don't you wish that you could play a game that from beginning to end you laughed, you got scared, you felt uplifted, and you also shed tears? SpruceCaboose
Yes I do actually, but nothing like that has been made in my opinion. The best storys for games I think would either be Bioshock or FFVII, but storys in games are nothing like movies or books. Movies and books usually have some kind of underlying statements or moral of the story, video games just focus on cool concepts, the diolouge is too generic and over the top in my opinion, maybe someday though.
There is some irony in mentioning BioShock's story and then saying its nothing like a book.
Well the story obviously is but it's all about the execution. You could have the best story in the world but completely destroy if not told properly.
Better games
Online gaming is the future of gaming, and Xbox Live is the reigning king.
Enough said.
I don't understand why everyone is so much into wanting a story over great gameplay this gen. I mean it's almost like it is necessity. I mean lets be honest in the history of video games if you look at some of the greatest games of all time the stories aren't that great at all, if anything they are down right atrocious. Lets look at some of them.
Mario- Lets be honest as good as this franchise has been good to us, now I'm talking all of the mario's whether it be kart, baseball, or just the regular mario. How good has this story really been? Its really not that great at all, in fact basically throughout it's entire life span it has been about the same thing and it has never changed, but you know what made this game great? The gameplay its just fun as hell to play mario and I mean I remember playing that game when I was 4 and I'm 24 now and I still find it fun, now thats a game.
Metroid- When I first played the first one and the second one that was on gameboy I didn't know what the hell was going on nor did I care. Though I have not followed the series since, I don't know where it is now or what kind of story it has, but the first one really didn't have much of anything. What made it great? Once again the game play and the fact that I could roll up into a ball and plant bombs while I was doing it.
Sonic- Sonic was another one of the original classics that everyone loved and yet again it really didn't have much of a story line. I mean a hedgehog going after a scientist, so he doesn't basically pollute the planet. Thats it, nothing more nothing less. I mean is that really a great story line? Not really, but once again the game play is what made it such a great game.
Now here we are this gen and to me this has to be one of the funnest gens I have ever had in gaming. All the games are addicting and the game play in a lot of the games is outstanding. I can say there are only two games that I have played that have had long drawn out story lines and basically they needed it and that would be Resident Evil and Metal Gear Solid. Those first two games are probably the first to really implement a dramatic and movie like story line, but a good 85% of the rest of the games that are around them never really had one to begin with and if they did they were short and sweet. Now we look at this gen and we have some of the greatest selling games of all time, some of the most enjoyable games that you will ever play and we are all of sudden critics to their story lines. I just don't understand where stories became such a huge part of a game. I don't know maybe I really don't get involved too much into that as much as I do in the actually game play and fun factor of a game. Hey we all have opinions and I guess getting really critical of a story of a great game matters.
Exactly my point, great games do not need story, games are for playing not watching.
[QUOTE="TriggerheartEx"]Dude take off your fanboy goggles, it's not even in the same plane of existence as Gears 2 FACT.
lul what? i think u still got your goggles on :|
Gears games are about detail and massive amounts of it. It's not just the graphics it's the art direction also, TPS games look much better than FPS in my opinion, there is more stuff on screen, and just much more going on in a game like Gears. Did you see some of the campaign footage? There is NOTHING like it. A game like K2 has been done a thousand times, sure it looks realistic I'll give you that, but there is no detail, it looks blurry as he'll.
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