Nintendo. With Move and Kinect what is the advantage of owning a Wii, except for Zelda Mario and Metroid, it is by far the most inferior system in terms of graphics, games, gameplay etc. If Move and Kinect were released with their respective systems from day 1 would Wii have even sold very many consoles....I doubt it.
even the cases on 360 games scratch the discs, seriously I pay the same for 360 or ps3 games and ps3's higher quality discs have never scratched in system or from the case, whereas 360 discs scratch if you touch the case or put in the drive unevenly. If the 360 can't fix the console to prevent scratching at least put a scratchguard of some sort on the discs. Considering blue ray discs are more expansive why do most 360 games on release charge same amount?
ps3 mainly due to exclusives and also because I have tons of trophies and didn't get a 360 til end of May this year and I only bought my 360 for the rpgs
GT5 is going to be epic, same with LBP2. Shooters are a dime a dozen and I doubt it will hurt to hold off on Socom since COD and Halo are releasing this year. Now a good turn based JRPG for ps3 like oldschool Final Fantasy games would prob sell alot.
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