@Lacarus You're absolutely right.I loved the game... but they really should have cleared it by her first.
@ishsgames It's sad that you don't understand that EA bought Bioware and forced out the most important developers they had.
@ishsgames @Tripwolf Bioware IS EA. They are one and the same. EA has fully corrupted Bioware.You, sir, can take your own advice.
@LittleSaintGoph @MasterOfSprites It's the one aspect that made me hate the original and made me pass on the sequel.IHateTime limits.
Played and beat the game. Not one Hero or Costume dropped.Game is short and feels like mini-Diablo.Pass on this one.
I love the game - I just finished it. I would have SWORN that Ellen Page was both the voice actress AND the design model for the character.She has EVERY right to be upset. They can spin this however they want, but they definitely used her image.
After I posted this, I found out that Ellen Page didn't do the voice work for Ellie.I'm really shocked. They did totally rip off her image.
Tripwolf's comments