I wont to play my ipod touch through my xbox 360, but am not sure how, if you have one please take me through a step by step walktrough on how t do it, or unless you cant do it ??
Im just wondering what sort of internet speed all you guys have? I have 2meg :( but this is the best i can get, becuase i live far from the cities where the companies set up in!! so yeah....
lol its short, but looks awesome - the demo makers are trying to do this: give us a bit of gameplay (short) then were hungry for more, so we buy the game :( all a marketing scheme, but im happily going to take the bait :)
19953gs, its not about having no life, ive had an xbox for 2 years, and its a pretty harsh conclution to make, ie. high gamerscore = no life, some people play online only, clock up loads of days online, but have bad gamerscore... this means they have a life, ok then
If the system was bad why would we buy it and then come on here to discuss games on it? Mines gone a year and three months without any problems at all.craigalan23
Exactly :S, why would you buy one if your having doubts, in my eyes they're THE best console
Hardest levels on: CoD2 : the level on that massive tower thing (D-Day) CoD4 : mile high club (without any doubt there :P) CoD5 : Heart of the riech (omg a nitemare lol) - All on veteran obviously
aplay headquarter until you get to good standard, doing your favourite gun challenges on the way! then when your good start playin SnD, 50xp per kill and 100 per bomb plant :P
i downloaded the skate 2 demo today, and it looks awesome, the demo isnt soo good ie. with the time limits, but the actual gameplay rocks. anyone else agree...?
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