TrojanLB48's forum posts
Halo has WAY more people playin online than COD4.
They are both good but they both have strengths and weaknesses
If you want a game to test your reaction time, pick COD4.
If you want a game that requires skill, timing, reaction time, knowledge, strategy, patience, and adrenaline, pick Halo 3.
COD4 has a generic storyline about nuclear weapons in the Middle East and the single player is fun but short. The MP is also good, but requires a lot of time to unlock the good weapons or perks and there is NO matchmaking. You could me matched up with people wha are anywhere from amazing to terrible. You get little health, so as soon as you see someone one of you will die very quickly. Perks really liven things up you have to be careful when fighting because you never know if someone has extra health or extra damage or if they can live after dying or if they're invisible to radar.
Halo 3 has a great story, and the single player is also fun and about 1.3 times longer than COD4. The MP is also fun and you can use vehicles, any weapon you want as long as you find it, and you get more health to help make fights more interesting. You can play ranked and have MATCHMAKING and the game will match you up with people of your skill level so you have more fun games. You could play Social with no matchmaking if you want to. Then you can watch yourself play in Theater and make video clips and screenshots and upload them to and show it to the world. Then you can make your own custom maps on Forge, delete stuf you don't want and add stuff you want! Then you can play Custom games on your custom maps! You can edit gametypes into the craziest things an your custom maps. I even have a map where you can play soccer in Halo, and there's a gametype called "grifball" that is really popular.
As you can tell I prefer Halo, though I do play COD4 occasionally if my friends are on it but most of my friends play Halo 3.
If it's true then it's a rent.
I wouldn't put it past Bungie to put some kind of Easter Egg about their next game in there or something like that.
Finish the romance side quest with a girl character, to have "woohoo" with the asariStuckInParadise
awww yeah
I've been playing mass effect a LOT recently and I noticed a lot of fun things to that I din't notice on my first playthorugh:
Being a renegade is SOO much fun!
When that reporter on the Citadel interviews you, use the "time to shut you up!" option to punch her in the stomach for a little fun.
When you're fan on the Citadel wants to be a Spectre use you're intimidate to pull out your gun ask him if he's really sure he wants to be a Spectre, and if he does he should get used to guns in his face.
If you're a biotic, use warp on animals (like the deer/horse things with extra arms) to hear them scream in agony and run around until they fall over dead, or use lift to freak them out. Using throw might kill them, but if it doesn't then they can't stand up anymore.
For infinite PARAGON or RENEGADE points go to Noveria and after you kick some butt in Synthetic Insights talk to Gianna in the cafe and then tell Lorik to testify then use Charm for PARAGON or Intimidate for RENEGADE then end the conversation and and talk to him again but ask him about Benezia then choose other tapic or another question and tell him to testify again and you can get full Paragon or Renegade if you're patient.
For quick infinite PARAGON do the UNC assignment where Hackett asks you to find a probe that had been short down (don't confuse this with the other assignment involving a probe with a nuclear bomb) after you find the monkey (you can kill the other monkeys for Renegade points), search him and you'll get 8 Paragon points. Quickly save your game and now ou can infinitely search the monkey and you get 8 Paragon points just by clicking the A button. I did this for a while and I got to15,000 but you only need about 5,000 to get your Charm skill up (this will only get charm up to being 2 spaces away from full).
Use lift to lift boxes and stand under them, when they fall and ou are in the right position you will appear on top of the box.
If your character is a girl I hear that when you talk to Harkin in Chora's Den he tries to seduce you.. :P
LIFT! All biotic powers are fun I haven't had time to experiment with Tech powers yet though.
On virmire, at the end when your other teammate (The one you're going to let die) tells you to leave after you've finished off the last of the geth, talk to one of your teammates before they're done talking and then you'll be stuck because now you can't complete the mission. and you can explore the area. Make sure you save before you do this because then you can reload and actually finish the mission and leave.
KILL WREX!!! actually no, don't do it. It's wrong.
Kill the Rachni queen! they deserve it besides there isn't enough bug repellant or krogan to stop them these days.
STRIP CLUB IN CHARA'S DEN! jk get a life
Get your Mako into the las fight on Therum! when you get to the rocks you candrive up the left wall and if you do it right your Mako will fall sideways in between the two racks ad now you can use it, but when you get to the Armature they won't shoot you, and then a lot of weird things happen....
Post anything else i might have missed or your opinions and flaming :D
WTF? Are you guys kidding? Halo 3 requires much more skill than COD 4. Cod is a great game and DOES require a lot of skill, but level up in Halo 3 I DARE you to try running around randomly. You will get your balls OWNED.
When Halo 3 came out i played it non-stop and when COD came out I played it non-stop but it got boring. Now I play Halo 3 non-stop again.
I know everybody likes different games and personally I prefer Halo 3, but just because you like COD 4 more than H3 doesn't mean it sucks.
Only exclusive I am interested in is Fable 2. I would be very excited for it but I think LionHead is dropping the ball. I see all these video diaries and I just think they are changing the heart of the game. Fable was my favorite Xbox game ever played through it and Lost Chapters countless times and the concept of taking the combat from it simplfying it even further and then making it so the hits of your sword control the music just doesn't sit well with me. Hopefully they pull it off. Peter Molyneux seems a bit too arrogant this time around and thats truely saying something.Ket87
I never played Fable but Fable 2 sounds pretty cool from what I've seen so far
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