I want to know what the exclusives for the 360 are going to be in 2008. I've heard a lot of talk about how "Xbox is now PS3 is the future". PS3 has MGS4 and Killzone 2 as exclusives for next year. Does Xbox have any other exclusives besides Ninja Gaiden 2, Splinter Cell: Conviction, Halo Wars, or Alan Wake?
I'm excited about all four of those, but are there any other exclusives for 2008?
Go to Best Buy and pick up a 360 there because you can use it for 29 days and then return it. My buddy is doing that right now while his 360 is getting fixed.nickdastick
My Xbox recently broke and I've sent it away to get fixed and I wont have an Xbox to play for 3 to 5 weeks buuuuuuut I bought Assassin's Creed and haven't been able to play it, I have Mass Effect reserved. My question is: Should I rent an Xbox 360 (They have them at Rent-A-Center for 27.99 per week)? If so for how long?
I think all my technology is turning its back on me. My keyboard'sspace bar is broken so I have to use a pencil to press it, my Xbox is broken and it's costing 100 dollars to fix, and my Dish just stopped working!lol:x
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