"Cinq" is French for "five," mon ami. :p Right now, I should be doing my homework. Don't worry--it will be done by the time I go to school. I just wanna get this entry over with, now that I've started it--I'm like that. After reading Greg's journal, well, I wasn't very surprised, but I was rather intrigued by the coincidence (or is it? DUN DUN DUNNNN). But what it mainly did was remind me of just how many big and pretty hyped games are coming out this second half of the year. I had a whole list of them on another message board. This is from a post I made on July 23: * Tales of Symphonia (GCN, July 13) * NCAA Football 2005 (PS2/XBOX/GCN, July 15) * ESPN NFL 2K5 (PS2/XBOX, July 20) * Counter-Strike: Source (PC, "Summer") * Doom 3 (PC, August 3) * Madden NFL 2005 (PS2/XBOX/GCN, August 9) * WWE Day of Reckoning (GCN, August 30) * NHL 2005 (PC, August 31) * Street Racing Syndicate (PS2/XBOX/GCN, August 31) * Half-Life 2 (PC, September 1?) * ESPN NHL 2K5 (PS2/XBOX, September 7) * Burnout 3: Takedown (PS2/XBOX, September 8 ) * Madden NFL 2005 (PC, September 8 ) * Fable (XBOX, September 13) * Call of Duty: United Offensive (PC, September 14) * NHL 2005 (PS2/XBOX/GCN, September 14) * The Sims 2 (PC, September 14) * Doom 3 (XBOX, Fourth Quarter) * Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory (PC/XBOX, Fourth Quarter) * The Lord of the Rings: Battle for Middle Earth (PC, Fourth Quarter) * Dead or Alive Ultimate (XBOX, October) * Mortal Kombat: Deception (PS2/XBOX, October 4) * Tony Hawk's Underground 2 (PS2/XBOX/GCN/PC, October 5) * Painkiller: Battle out of Hell (PC, October 14) * Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (PS2, October 18 ) * Gran Turismo 4 (PS2, November) * Call of Duty: Finest Hour (PS2/XBOX/GCN, November 2) * The Lord of the Rings: The Third Age (PS2/XBOX/GCN/GBA, November 2) * Halo 2 (XBOX, November 8 ) * Ratchet & Clank: Up Your Arsenal (PS2, November 9) * Metroid Prime 2: Echoes (GCN, November 15) * Goldeneye: Rogue Agent (PS2/XBOX/GCN, November 15) * Everquest II (PC, November 15) * WWE Smackdown! vs. Raw (PS2, November 15) * Suikoden IV (PS2, November 16) * Need for Speed Underground 2 (PS2/XBOX/GCN/PC, November 17) * Jak 3 (PS2, November 23) * Devil May Cry 3 (PS2, December 7) The message board was vBulletin, so that explains the funky format. Of course, some of those games' dates have changed by now, and I missed a few, but whatever--it's still got all of the big fish on there. Anyways, I woke up roughly a half-hour ago after sleeping for almost 10 hours. That's right: I slept from 7 to 5. During the school year, I'm that kind of guy. :) Better get to my homework so I can get that over with and spend the rest of my free time before school playin' Metroid Prime. m/
As I'm writing this, I have to leave in 10 minutes, unless my stomach says otherwise. Damn Minute Maid OJ juice boxes...Yesterday, they were awesome, and now they're killing my stomach and making me feel like I'm getting a ****in' fever. But I should go anyways: I have a lot of stuff to do at school today, and my friend wants me to come over after school so we can do drawings for C&J together. Okay...I'm feeling better. Expect another entry tonight, I guess...
Well, I just got out of school about an hour and a half ago. 'Twas a slow day, but only because all we did in all of my classes was go through course outlines, etc. Tomorrow, I'm gonna get to do some real work. Hooray(?) Planning 10: I started off my day in block B with a young teacher, the rest of my teachers being old enough to have grey hair by now. He's an okay guy, I guess. At first, I was sitting with this girl I know (she decided to sit next to me, and not vice versa), but then he plays musical chairs, and the next thing I know, I'm surrounded by a whole bunch of people I don't know--the only guy I knew out of the people surrounding me was a guy right behind me who lives down the street from me. Anyways, like I said before, we looked over the course outline, which says that we're gonna cover "the job market," finance, sex ed, and other topics. Turns out we'll get to spend every Friday watching Degrassi Jr. High, an old TV series I've heard of, but have never watched. Planning, so far, seems like the easiest class this year. Science 10: This class was pretty much the same as Planning, except--ya know--it's a different class. We looked over the course outline for this class, and she was telling us stories about people not following a certain rule, etc. The woman who teaches this class seems kinda strict, but that's okay. Again, a girl I know decided to sit next to me, but we didn't play musical chairs or anything this time. One problem I have with Science, however, is the very uncomfortable, high-clearance seats they use for students. I hate them: usually, I'm comfortable with sitting if the chair is low enough for me to comfortably plant my feet on the ground or if the chair is big enough for me to sit cross-legged right on the chair (with this sucker I'm sitting on right here, I can do both. :D). But this chair is only big enough to fit my fat derriere on and too high for me to firmly plant my feet on the ground. So I just rest one foot on the little bar that's under the table and high up enough for me to put my foot on, but I put my other foot on top. It's not very comfortable, but the best solution nonetheless. I don't have much of a problem with Science, so I'm going for an A this year (I'm usually a slacker who gets B's and C+'s, so...) Lunch: Not much to say about lunch, other than that they've got Dole orange juice (from now on, I'll being calling it OJ in my journal), which kinda sucked when I tried it today (I threw it out when it was half-full), but it was probably because it got too warm: all OJ is only good when chilled. When it gets warm, forget about drinking it, unless you like warm OJ. AP Prep English 10: This class surprised me, mainly because there were plenty of people in the class that I didn't expect to be in such an "enriched" class, as the school likes to call it. We didn't go through the course outline for long this time around, and we, instead, focused mainly on colors and what they mean to us and stuff. One of the things we wrote on was what comes to mind when we think of this or that color. Am I a strange person for being reminded of pancakes by the color blue? No, seriously--I thought about blueberries, and that reminded me of blueberry pancakes, so I wrote that down. That kind of weirded people out. Also, my favorite color is orange, but my favorite color next to that is black. There was also a lot of black in the room. So, when people were asked what their favorite color was and what it says about them, I said when it was my turn to speak "My favorite color is orange, and I think it says that I'm bla-er...laid-back." People kinda laughed, thinking that I was gonna say that I'm a race that I really am not, when I was just thinking about another color that I liked. Nevertheless, they interpreted it in a way that I would have if someone else were in my shoes, so I don't blame them. This class may gave me some slight trouble, since we are gonna read a lot, and I'm a bit of a slow reader, since I like to think the words out loud in my head as I'm reading them. But, otherwise, I think I'll do just fine. Carpentry & Joinery 11: Now, lemme say right now that I'm really looking forward to this class, especially since my best friend, experienced in the subject, is in it. Although the carpentry part won't last that long, I think it's gonna kick total ass. My first reason is that the C&J teacher is one ****in' cool teacher: he's one funny man who does sound pretty strict when he's serious, but he just says it using logic. Again, we look over the course outline, blah blah blah. He showed us some stuff we can make later in the year, which include the TV cabinet. I totally wanna make the TV cabinet if I'm confident enough by the time we get to the later projects. Kinda slow today, but it was good anyways. Well, there ya go. That's what I think of my classes so far. Of course, my opinions about classes and teachers usually change over time, but these are my first impressions. There may be some teachers I may end up still thinking highly of by the end of the semester, and there may be teachers that I'll end up hating by the end of the semester. But I am an optimist, so I'll just focus on the present, and wait to make a better judgement of my teachers. Anyways, I'm playing through Metroid Prime for a second time and for the first time since I first beat it in 2002. My intentions are not exactly to relive the surreal experience that Metroid fanatics such as myself have with the game, but they are just to beat the game with 100% of the items. I played one game with 32%, just finding expansions and energy tanks here and there, but I decided to restart because I was completely unaware of where I got all these goodies from. So I got a checklist from GameFAQs, and I am keeping track. Last time I beat it, I ended up with 51% of the items. I should remove Day of Reckoning from my Now Playing list, since I took it back to the rental store today. I'll probably ask my friend if I can borrow his Xbox so I can play Burnout 3: Takedown and review it. Good lord...why haven't I bought all three consoles by now?
I can't stop chattering my teeth for some reason...must be the night and the weather getting colder... It's quarter to 5, and my sleeping habits have been set, not in stone, but more like glass: it has been formed, but it can break at any time. Waking up at 4:30am and going to bed at 8:30pm is something that, clearly, not that many people do. And eight hours of sleep isn't always enough for me: nine hours will usually make me the most alert. But since I fell asleep in front of my computer for about a half-hour before I hit the sack at 9:30, I guess that's okay, since I can still stay up for a good sixteen hours with seven hours of sleep. So I've got my first actual day of school today--yesterday was just a half-hour of homeroom teachers taking student fees and showing those who had paid them their lockers. Turns out I'm gonna have to pay $130 in fees today, since my mother wants me to get a yearbook and I intend to use the weight room this year. Here's how it'll break down: I will pay... ...$20 for my student fee... ...$10 for my Planning 10 portfolio... ...$40 for Carpentry & Joinery 11... ...$40 for my yearbook... ...and $20 to access the weight room for the entire school year. This also adds to the fact that I still need to buy back-to-school clothes. I finished getting all the paper I needed--I have enough for grade 10 and 11--as well as my backpack, a $40 Swiss Gear with a computer compartment, audio interface, etc., etc. If I have more than two textbooks this semester, I'm gonna be pissed, for I think that and my four binders is as much as the main component of the backpack will fit, since the rest of the pockets are for small things (ie, CD player, sandwich, etc.). Still...cold... When I woke up from my power nap on the computer chair, it was 7:40pm, and Button Mashing episode IV was up! Hooray! Unfortunately, it was kinda disappointing: I liked the old format a lot. Four games was better than three, and Memory Leak was better the way it was in episode I. Actually, I liked the Memory Card round the best. Wyman, you idiot! You shoulda picked Beers! If I were Wyman, that's what I woulda done--when Rich asked me who I wanted to play, I woulda said "Beers is goin' down, baby!" Actually, I have to be honest with you: I haven't played the game on a frequent basis since May. I'm still great at it, but my rustiness shows up in action. Anyways, I'm gonna kill some time...somehow...>.>
At first, I thought "Wait--isn't 'tres' French?" Then I realized "Wait a moment...I'm thinking of 'trois.'" I'm so not paying attention... I would be glad to have some more friends on my list. I'm a friendly guy, you could say, so send me a request. It's just a request from me. Anyways, it's quarter after 4am as I'm writing this. I went to sleep at 9:30pm, then woke up at 2:30am. I was determined to fall back asleep, but my eyes weren't comfortable when trying to keep 'em closed. Does anyone else ever have that feeling when they go (back) to sleep? I feel as if I'm the only one, which makes me a strange sleeper. Anyways, I plan to have my third glass of Sprite before going back to bed at 4:30, for I have school in about...7 hours and 44 minutes. Right now, I have Metroid Prime in my Gamecube. And I was playing it today and rushing through the first fifth(?) of the game like it was nothing. Compare this to back to late 2002/early 2003, when I had a colossal bundle of trouble with the game when I first played it. I also realized this when I played Tony Hawk's Underground back in June. I blew right through it when, in 2003, I had the hardest time with it. Although, yes, some things in those two games are troublesome, and I still can't achieve the jump you pull off from your ship in MP to get the Space Jump boots early, I'm much better at both than I was after I first beat them. It just goes to show what happens when you play games on a daily basis without stopping this routine for a year. 4:20 now...hehe...no, I won't say it. Well, I guess I should get going. I had a boring, but otherwise splendid summer, and I hope y'all enjoy school--don't hate on me for this, but I'm looking forward to it. And, lastly, if anyone can tell me which shows stars characters Nitz and Gimpy, I'll give them a cookie, or maybe even a Gmail invite. Your choice. >.>
I have to admit to you guys: I am addicted to Street Fighter 2. I just started playing it last week, and I must say that it's a very fun game. Although, sometimes, Dhalsim and Zangief piss me off, it's still fun to play through, even by myself. Balrog's a good challenge, and forces me to block a lot, while I try to hit Zangief with as many projectile attacks as I can, as he usually owns me in close quarters. And Chun-Li is so jumpy--most of the time, she just jumps into the top of the screen, bouncing off the edge of the stage. So, so hard to time attacks against her... I am a whore with Ryu and Ken. Best fighters to use for beginners. It won't matter which one you use if you're playing the original SF2. Even then, in the Champion Edition, they only have very slight difference in terms of performance. Greg Kasavin is so good at that game, that it scares me--after watching him own Ryan Davis Ryu's with Sagat for about, like, the fifth time, I saw Mr. Kasavin unleash move after move after move, hardly ever stopping the sequence of tiger punches and tiger uppercuts. Maybe Gamespot should summon Daigo Umehara, and we'll see who's the better player at that game. Crazy... I wanna play Street Fighter III: Third Strike eventually, seeing as how that game looks just as good as the classic Street Fighter II. Perhaps, when I get an Xbox, I'll buy the Anniversary Collection in January.
Yes, the word has a "u." It's Canada's way of spelling it, eh? Go and check out my review of Day of Reckoning. Despite the fact that, yes, I don't think I should have given it the rating it got, my boss kept hassling me about, so we eventually negotiated it down to a 7.8, overall. Actually, I'm kinda satisfied with it...yeah. >_> I stayed up until 4am last night, but woke up at 10am. My alarm clock had been buzzing for an hour before I finally woke up and turned it off--shows just how much it takes to wake me up. When I fall asleep, I'm like a log: you can literally roll me off the bed, and I won't do anything except sleep some more until I wake up in the morning, and ask myself how long I had been asleep on the floor. Tomorrow, I've got school, but only for an hour. I'm in grade 10 this year, so I get to go at Noon instead of 10am. I've got a neat schedule this semester, so I hope this semester is really, really good. Rich had better keep his word, and post the new eppy of Button Mashing tomorrow. I'm looking forward to seeing this new format he was talking about on On the Spot.
Meh. It's 20 to 4, and I'm wired. Don't ask why I keep doing this, especially a few days before school starts--I couldn't give you a good answer in words if I tried. I think I spent about 20 minutes reading through the new journal entries that Alex Navarro posted (Friday's entries and Saturday's), and, if it is rumored that Alex is one of those weird geniuses that spends his spare time pondering in his room while indulging in media (whatever that media is), then I have officially concluded that it is not bogus, Tor Thorsen-style. As for Greg, after reading several of his Gamespotting columns and his journal entries, not to mention watching him talking on Gamespot Live media, I have concluded that he remains truly professional. Hell, he's always speaking in a tone and writing in a style that makes him sound mysterious--as if he's some kind of robot from the future. While most of the other Gamespot editors are goofing off, he just stays calm, as if he doesn't want to be there. Even when he tries to have some fun (ie, Gamespotting 100, the latest On the Spot), he just seems to stay tranquil and calm. Perhaps, by now, I'm being overanalystic, but I'm really, really bored. My apologies to Greg if this hits a nerve. I'm drifting asleep...I made a banner for this journal, and it's gonna go to waste for about a month or so...I think I'll send a friend request to good, 'ol Alex, and see if he will accept it--Adam didn't accept the FR I gave him...I think, by now, I'm just saying whatever's on my mind...I think I should stop writing, and see if someone finished doing my laundry for me...
I beat the RAW storyline less than an hour ago, and I must say that the game's storyline is still pretty bad: unlike Here Comes the Pain, which is arguably the best 3D wrestling game to date, its storyline is 99% linear. I say 99% because you have one choice throughout the entire Story mode: the choice to go to RAW or Smackdown! I won't spoil anything, but when I thought I had a choice for once, the Story mode did it for me. What the hell? Also, the game isn't that faithful to the real-life storyline, with Bischoff treating the real-life heels like the good guys and vice versa. There are no voices at all, either. These two things, altogether, form a lack of a genuine WWE atmosphere, and feels more like some kind of parallel universe. WWE fanatics will be very disappointed. I'll post a full review on PGNx (www.pgnx.net) either on Labor Day or the day after--which is the first day of school--and I'll write one up later that week for Gamespot. Not like any of you care, though...>_> For now, here are my ratings: Gameplay - 5 (Mediocre) Graphics - 7 (Good) Sound - 6 (Fair) Value - 6 (Fair) Tilt - 6 (Fair) Overall - 5.9 (Mediocre) Anyways, why do Saturdays, the second-best day of the week--next to Friday--have to be so boring during summer break? :'(
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