@decipherz: did you bother reading the review or did you just scroll straight to the bottom to read only the pros and cons to make that judgement?
Cons from reviewer (not mine): Game becomes pretty repetitive, you end up killing the enemies much the same way over and over, becomes less inventive as you progress thru; by halfway the level designs become less creative; it doesn't allow to carry the more powerful guns like it does with the uzis, one on each hand, for maximum carnage; not many enemy varieties; not the greatest controls without auto-aim (if that's your thing) which makes it harder to aim past the first opponent; there are parts where the game slows down without enemies around.
and imo, it does look fun, but it's a game where you play thru once, and that's it. Never cared for leaderboards.
@rancid36: You have made 169 forum posts on Gamespot about gaming... doesn't seem like you moved on, but you do seem to bitch a lot. That part of your personality hasn't changed has it?
TruSake's comments