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# I have the Action Replay that you seek. It comes with the MicroSD card slot and a USB cable to download update and the PC software disc. DS0001.14 These are only $20.00 and you may find them on Ebay. This should work with New 3DS XL but do not update your firmware for the N3DSXL before you use this.
Good luck
I found one on eBay for $12, hopefully it fits into the cartridge slot on my N3DSXL and is compatible (will boot from it). If you mean do not update my N3DSXL via software update, unfortunately I did that when I first got my console :(
Thank you though!
I'll try to explain this as best as I can. Well I am looking for a way to back up my DS saves, like Pokemon Platinum, Soul Silver, Black and Black 2. Action Replay Power Saves only work for 3DS games. NDS Backup Plus needs to be digitally signed, as it's currently incompatible with 64 bit versions of Windows 7 and 8, which I have. My only option is to find an Action Replay DSI v1.2, which has the micro sd card slot and gives you the option to save to the micro sd card on the software. Newer versions are missing that slot and are missing that option on the software. So it is critical that I get one that has the micro sd slot. As I said this belongs to the older v1.2 model, which I think came out in like 2009. I have read amazon reviews for this model, older amazon reviews (circa 2010) say it has the micro sd slot while never reviews (circa 2012) say it doesn't, so I can only assume that they are being phased out. So now I'm looking on eBay to see if I can find an older model, either new or used. The only one I could find that has a micro sd slot and is currently on eBay is a v1.0, which I've never even heard of. I guess that is the first ever DSI AR model, but it doesn't even come up on a google search.
My question is, I know the newer DSI models are 3DS compatible, but is there a way to get the older model (which according to the manual is "For Nintendo DS/DS Lite/DSI") working with a N3DSXL? The older models apparently cannot connect to the internet to download new codes, which I don't care about because I only wish to use it as a backup, but I don't know if that means I can't update its firmware either. If I cannot use this model with my N3DSXL, then I am sol because I do not own a DS/DS Lite/DSI.
And in case you're wondering, Datel got rid of the micro sd slot and the option to back up your saves on newer versions of the AR DSI (like the ones that are 3DS compatible). Apparently they didn't even remove that line off the packaging. Yes it's completely ridiculous. Why they even removed it in the fist place is beyond me.
Hope you can help. Thanks!
Got this game for $20, been playing it all weekend. For the most part, I'm enjoying it. It hasn't completely sucked me in, but it's keeping my interest and I haven't feel fatigued after playing it for hours. Which is something that is happening often to me with other games unfortunately, as I grow older and have less time to game... I wouldn't go as far to say that I'm losing interest in gaming, but sometimes I just can't be bothered to turn on the damn console/PC or play for long durations, whereas since I was a kid up until this year I've always been a hardcore gamer.
Anyway, I am mostly enjoying the game, but I'm not very far into it. The thing is, I read the reviews, people's comments about it, and I know of its shortcomings. I know what is in store for me at end game, and I can't figure out if I should just quit while I'm ahead. I don't want to sink hours into this game only to realize it wasn't worth it. But I am having fun right now, and that is why I can't decide what is for the best. With the little time I have, I should probably be trying to tackle my massive list of games I want to get to. Ontop of that I want to eventually return to ESO and SWTOR (ironically like Destiny, games that a lot of people have problems with but I still enjoyed, but I'm debating if it is worth the massive time sink they require).
I didn't mean this as "help make up my mind for me," but I really am so torn if I should keep going, so I'm just looking for opinions and advice from people who have reached endgame or have had these same kind of thoughts. Also, if you think I should keep going, do you think the expansion pass is worth it? I only paid $20 for the base game, but I know the first expansion is not really a true "expansion," so I don't know.
Thank you.
I have always had my eye on this MMO, but I'm not so sure about purchasing this game now. Not that I think it will suck, I think it will be decent at worst, and great at best. I'm a die hard TES fan so I'd play it even if it was just decent, just to explore the never before fleshed out areas of Tamriel until I've had my fill. So it's not that I don't think it will be fun or a good game, I just don't think it is a good investment anymore. The whole exclusive race in the collectors edition and the preorder bonus that lets you play any faction no matter what race is a cash grab. I was on the fence about whether I felt like this game will succeed or not, but Zenimax Online/Bethesda's most recent move with the Imperial Edition was the last nail in the coffin for me. I feel like they know this game is not going to last so they're trying to grab as much money as they can from it before it goes under. They're probably already planning for it to go F2P. Both the strict NDA (meaning they don't have confidence to fully show off their product) and all of these shady moves make me feel that way. They have so much negative press already and so much doubt and contempt from the fan base. P2P plus a cash shop (a double whammy which I've rarely ever seen in P2P mmo's), and then they pull this crap. If the dev's or publisher don't think it will succeed, how does it stand a chance? I hoped for better.
Why spend $50-$100 for a product and $15 each month if there's a very good chance that it will go F2P within two years? Plus by buying the CE you're letting them have their way. But as a die hard Elder Scrolls fan, I really want to play now, and my god I want that statue in the physical CE. Such is my dilemma, and I'm sure other people are feeling the same. This is honestly a crying shame for TES fans and MMO players. And Elder Scrolls VI feels so far away.
Also as I said before I'm tempted to buy the Retail Imperial edition because that statue is amazing and might sell for high in a few years, but I thought the same about SWTOR and the Darth Malgus statue and look what happened there. What do you guys think about that? Do you think collectors will want pay more for it after it's discontinued?
I think people are out of their minds to be any used console especially when the buyer can't get a warranty.
It was a big mistake to open the system box and the game just to try Killzone.... And then immediately try to sell it..... You probably lost about $150 compared to if you just kept the system and the game in the brand new package and then sold them.
Well the good news is that I actually haven't done it yet. Even so, I probably won't be able to sell the console and game new in box for $550 (to break even), so maybe my best bet is to return it...
@marcheegsr: Well this is the bundle. I'd be selling it with the used console and Killzone game, but unused codes (PS Plus). I bought it for $550 after tax, and I know the new Killzone bundles are going on ebay for ~$650-$675, but I have no idea of it's value "like new." It would really drop that low?
I planned to sell my PS4 from the get-go and buy another one next year when they get all the kinks sorted out and when there is a bigger games library, but the box has been sitting here and I realized that I really want to open it and play Killzone.
So my question is... if I use it for a week, package it back up and sell it on eBay, will it sell? Or do people only want it new? And how much could I sell it for? How much value is lost as soon as I open the box and turn the console on? I am seeing listings on ebay for $625, but I doubt that it will sell at this price (being used afterall).
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