Would you guys justify buying a used 360 (preferably the slim ones) from somewhere like ebay/craigslist over buying a new one on a Black Friday deal? What would be cheaper? I've seen 360's as low as $100, but that was the older models.
TrueSith66's forum posts
I'm a huge Halo fan, although I sold my 360 long ago (I haven't played a Halo game since Halo 3).
I'm a PC gamer now, I have a high end gaming PC so I really have no need for a console unless it's an exclusive. I'm kind of torn over this. In your opinion is an xbox 360 worth getting for Halo 4 and future console exclusives? I heard that Halo 5 will be running on Microsoft's next gen console, so that sucks that I may have to buy another system.. but this console might not be coming out for years right?
Without a doubt if I got a 360 I would buy a used one on Craigslist or wait for a Black Friday/Cyber Monday deal. What is the reasonable price for the slim versions nowadays? Is 4gb enough for my needs? It may seem like it at first, but I don't know if I'll be downloading console exclusive demo's or dlc.
Jeez, and there's also the matter of getting a PS3 over a 360, since they have a lot more console exclusives I want to try (Killzone, Uncharted, Nier, MGS, ect) but I hear the PS3 runs on lesser hardware and doesn't have a very good online, and there's also the matter of security. What do you guys think about this too? (please no fanboy flame wars!) I think despite this I would still get a 360, since I have never owned a PS3 and Halo 4 means a lot to me.
Sorry for asking so many questions but hopefully you guys can help. Thank you!
Edit: I made a huge misunderstanding. When I said console exclusives I didn't just mean only on xbox, I meant only on consoles (therefore I can't get it on pc) I'm fine with cross platform games, hope that widens my search.
You guys know the concept that they mention that the city changes based on your action? So a high body count attracts more rats and thus creates more weepers?
Well what if I have the run perk that makes anything I kill turn to ash? Does that still affect the game as a "higher body count" (even though theoretically it shouldnt because there aren't any bodies)?
Hey guys. Pertaining to the feature in which your choices dymanically changes the city. For example, a high body count attracts more rats and thus creates more weepers.
Well what if I have the run perk that makes anything I kill turn to ash? Does that still affect the game as a "higher body count" (even though theoretically it should'nt because there aren't any bodies)?
I can't go on with this stupid stock keyboard, and so I need advice onto what I should get. I need 2 keyboards, and here are the categories/differences.
1.)Shooters(specifically Halo CE, Halo 2 Vista., COD4, Unreal Tournament 3 and Gears of war.
2.) Fighting rpgs(Oblivion, Age of Conan Hyborian Wars)
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