[QUOTE="Truth_Seekr"][QUOTE="mig_killer2"][QUOTE="Truth_Seekr"][QUOTE="mig_killer2"][QUOTE="Truth_Seekr"] People aren't stupid..... Ok.
That's why 97% of the world thinks, believesTERRORIST executed 9/11, and that the Twin Towers, even Tower 7, collapsed due to fire. Right?
uhhh, yeah:roll:So you dn't believe the towers came down, all 3 of them in a controlled demolition? It just happened to be coincidence how all three fell? Especially since Tower 7 wasn't hit by an airliner.
ahh, yes. tower 7. well, tower 7 wasn't engineered properly. it is on the history channels list of engieering disasters. anyways, tower 7 callapsed not just because of the fires from foor 5 through 7, it was also because the force of the towers callapse was enourmous. BTW, about the twin towers callapsing like a controlled demolition, you have remember that gravity works downward:P
If Tower 7 fell due to the tremendous force of the other 2 falling, then it should've happened right away, if not instantaniously, not 6 hours after the fact.
When Tower 7 falls, you can see the classic kink you see in buildings when they are brought down by demolition, yet everyone else either seems to ignore it on purpose, or didnt see it initially, so now there minds are set in their initial thought.
As for the Twin Towers, if anything was DUE TO FIRE, the floors should've collapsed, leaving only the steel columns in the middle of the whole structure, but they fell with 0 resistance. How the hell can jet fuel reach the temperatures to melt the steel structure of the building? It can't reach those temperatures. Thermite & dynamite was used, the planes and their fuel are their explanation, and most everyone accepts it without question.
The 9/11 Commission is as much bollocks as the Warren Commission on JFK's assassination.
even if jet fuel doesn't burn hot enough to melt steel, under those conditions, steel loses about 90% of its strength. why did the steel beams callapse? cuz they weren't strong enough to hold their own weight. it wasn't a controlled domolition:roll:Then, can there be some sort of explanation ofhow the steel columns at the very bottom of the rubble got cut at an angle so perfectly, and coincidentally, in the same fashion steel columnsarecut to bring down a building.
Also the small clouds of debris puffing out of windows as the dynamite blasts throught while the towers fall, or was that air being squeezed down from the collapsing floors?
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