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SW Shout-Out #8

Last week was a veteran troll we all know and love. This week, the new sheep on the block, who needs some more respect, and perhaps some coffee.


Flock is known for both his interesting posting style...and his controversial topics...that despite the ludicrous theories behind them...are for the most part well thought-out and logical....he's probably the only one I've seen who could make a thread about gameplay being overrated or Blizzard not being a quality dev and not be laughed out of SW....but as a sheep he hasn't gotten much respect....In fact it seems like he gets the least respect from us...we tend to reject the more aggressive sheep when we should respect them more....

What do I have to say about FlockofSpagheti? Keep the posting style....keep making topics...and eventually you'll get more credit....and...perhaps...end...a...sentence...
