[QUOTE="Tsug_Ze_Wind"][QUOTE="Rashpal"][QUOTE="Tsug_Ze_Wind"][QUOTE="Rashpal"]Taking aside your point about PSP (however valid that may be) it's not really a question of what it'll be known for, rather what it will be sold as (a quick look at the latest Beyon3D trailer should give you a hint as to what that is). It's all well and good saying "what little there is" but at this early a stage I don't think any educated observer would expect more from the leading games manufacturer. As a purest you may like to under sell the multimedia capabilities of the system but these capabilities will distinguish it from the competition. There' no question of Sony's credentials at delivering strong gaming content, so overtime it'll be the hardware in combination with the appropriate software that will take the system beyond the status of a gaming console and to that of a multimedia hub. It may seem like a pipe dream but it is one much more exciting than the standard gaming device.Rashpal
Playstation will always be known as a game console. No matter what they add to it and market it as, people will still be buying it as a game console, and they'll most likely be disappointed with the PS3 not being superior in any way related to games. A lesser library, an inferior online service, and graphics that are merely equal with the $400 360, instead of the 4D with the Cell and all that, that they were promised. I, and many others certainly expected more. How can it go beyond the status of a game console when it's struggling at being a game console alone?
How can you in all honesty expect a system just released to compete in content with a system that is a year into it's life cycle. Clearly your opinion is based on unrealistic expectations. It's just the truth. The consumer isn't going to see "Just wait, great games are coming in '07," they see "Well, the 360 has more games and it's cheaper."
It's completely fair. The 360 got a headstart, and that was a brilliant move. Had Sony launched the PS3 first, things would be different.
Really depends then on what consumer market you're talking about. On Cnet for example both PS3 and Wii top the five most wanted list. For desirability it seems PS3 can't be beat at the moment. Come March with games like Motorstorm, Virtua Figther 5 and Heavenly Sword I doubt you'll still have the same arguement.We'll see.
All I know is that when the PS3 gets its titles, the 360 will get more titles like Mass Effect, Crackdown, and Halo 3. The PS3 won't catch up for a while.
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