I never get tired of hearing that. :D
Tsug_Ze_Wind's forum posts
"We could've come out with a PlayStation 2.5 for $299 or less, and in the first two or three years it would sell extremely well," he explains. "But there would be a point where people would be going, 'I am not really seeing the incremental leap.'"
No, people would NOT end up seeing that they are not "really seeing the incremental leap". That's how mainstream gamers are. Look at the Wii and 360 now. They're still selling pretty much like hot cakes. If the PS3 worked out the way they thought this "perfect utopia of a world" of consumers would, then the PS3 would be the one selling like hotcakes.
I understand what he's saying, but in this recession and considering the average consumer, this viewpoint hasn't and won't work.
I agree with Sony and not with youon this one.
The Wii is not selling like hot cakes to mainstream gamers. More like kids and soccer moms.
:lol: You don't think Sony would rather be in Nintendo's position? Really?
This is just more Sony PR. Not fooling anybody. Yes, they could have done that, they clearly should have done that, and now they're kicking themselves for not doing that.
How on earth is this a change made for the "hardcore?"
It's like someone above said best, why not just have an option for the game to play itself? I mean, it's optional so that makes it fine, right?hakanakumono
The games will obviously become more challenging. Otherwise the feature would be pointless.
Why not have an option for the game to play itself? You mean like MGS? :o :P
Wii-related threads: Bringing out the worst in SWers since 2006. :lol:
Make up your minds. Do you want the games to be more challenging or not? That's all this is going to change for the people who choose not to use the optional (lemmings, remember this word? ;)) feature. This sounds like a change made for the hardcore.
it honestly sounds like to me he's planning on the 'Wii 2'dotWithShoes
Yeah...kind of weird that he'd say that at all, since after NMH2 he probably wouldn't have time to make another Wii game before next gen rolls around anyway. I certainly wasn't expecting a Wii NMH3.
But regardless, I am looking forward to Suda's new ****. :P
See, here's the problem with all this anecdotal evidence. I can do it too.
Uncharted 2 is the most IMPROVED sequel to a game this gen
How did LittleBigPlanet sell so much?
Ps3 lineup = Hate (nice try, it's a PS3 defense thread)
Pachter: Xbox 360 Will Fall to Third Place
TECMO : PS3 is the hardware with the highest specs
Thread titles really don't mean much anyway, as most threads are made by the same few people. But there you go. Now, were we one-sided this issue? I don't think we were any more than usual. We're all biased and we're not going to hide it, it is SW after all. We'd like some cow and lemming and hermit contributors, but until someone steps up, it'll be hard to avoid a bit of one-sidedness.
Check out my two added links.
As far as polls go, that's not how SW works bro. Cows could make an arguement that Resistance, Resistance 2, Warhawk, SOCOM, and Killzone 2 (Upcoming MAG) not to mention Multiplats games like COD4, COD5, Battlefield, Rainbow Six, GRAW2, MW2 make theirs the top system.
We don't have to agree, but that is an easy arguement. :)
Of course, that argument features the popular assumption that fanboys have no brain.
To make an analogy I simply love to make, look atfanboys of sports teams.Cubs fans aren't claimingthey're having a great year.Lions fans aren't claiming they don't suck. To be a fanboy doesn't mean you have to ignore the blatant and obvious truth.
No, there are more PS3 owners and more MANTICORES, but there aren't more Cows. There is also LESS Lemmings, which make the Cow population look larger, that doesn't make it so. That thread proves what's up, end of story. Cows aren't going to vote for 360, that's that. Also, I mentioned that the N64 stomped on the PSOne a week in another poll. (CLICKY) Again, there's another thread.
There's other threads too, It's not about the 360's thang, cows vote PS3, Lemmings vote 360, Sheep vote Wii. That's it. There is no "Thang" to consider.
Here's another one :
Let me guess, Cows are going to vote for other consoles, yes? 360 Racing Thread.
Anyways, the issues only work when you bash all the systems not one. The humor is lost when you ridicule one fangroup and their system.
Link 1: The problem with that is, that poll doesn't give the lemmings an option. Most likely, a lot of lemmings are going to vote for N64, either because they're former sheep, or they want to stick it to the cow majority. Plus, the PS1 wasn't stomped.
Link 2: Once again, the answer's obvious, at least right now. Once GT5 (finally) comes out, expect PS3 to blow out 360 in those polls.
[QUOTE="Tsug_Ze_Wind"]Something you left out here: That thread is about which console is better for First-Person Shooters. ;) That's kind of the 360's thing. We may be biased, but we're not that biased.
If you haven't noticed the cows completely dominating SW, you're trying really hard not to notice. I'm not saying their opinion is invalid because there are more of them, I'm saying I disagree, and I think I backed up my point pretty well withwhat little space I have.
No, there are more PS3 owners and more MANTICORES, but there aren't more Cows. THat thread proves, end of story. Cows aren't going to vote for 360, that's that. Also, I mentioned that the N64 stomped on the PSOne a week in another poll. There's other threads too, It's not about the 360's thang, cows vote PS3, Lemmings vote 360, Sheep vote Wii. That's it. There is no "Thang" to consider.
Anyways, the issues only work when you bash all the systems not one. The humor is lost when you ridicule one fangroup and their system.
Cows aren't going to vote for 360, but they don't want to vote for PS3 either in those type of polls, 'cause it makes them look stupid when the answer's obvious. So they don't vote, and the lemmings win.
I wasn't ridiculing anyone (for once).I admitted Sony had a strong showing, they were just the tough-luck loser of a fine E3.
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