@CrushedGear @TurboGuru lol couldn't work out if your last reply was sarcasm or if your retarded, in case its the latter.... why would GB even report it then?
uh uh uh, Journalist dont clap! ... right so in that case, all that would be left is MS employees and so its natural that they would be the only ones clapping......SO WHY DOES GB REPORT IT?
"Speaking with Edge, Sundberg said Microsoft's approach was a smart one because by focusing on the platform's "all in one" ideals, it attracted the mainstream press."
instant fail... GiantBomb themselves reported that not a single journalist clapped during the reveal, it was all the MS employees in the background.
1. It wasn't a smart reveal 2. 8 million people watched the reveal, the target audience (gamers) was completely missed
@mrcharrio They don't for situations like this, its really wierd. The adam orth incident was an epic feedbackula waiting to happen, but they never did one..... sucks.
My favorite one so far... " The Xbox One will not need to be constantly connected to the internet but it will require an internet connection " .... lol ok.
TurboGuru's comments