@mgsfan104 I don't like this asshole one bit,but you are right... he is giving the consumers what they want, every year people buy the latest COD like robots, until that stops, nothing will change.
@Gravity_Slave @Mr_Mark_Legion @TurboGuru ....yeah its an inside joke between us and 98% of the gaming community, since you have been clearly living under a rock, spouting nonsense about always online gaming you might want to google 'adam orth' .... the fact that you have no idea says it all really.
See Dice, your saying all the right things,.... but ultimately will your product deliver on such statements?
In short, please make BF4 sniping like it was in BFBC2..... or at the very least kickstart BFBC3 for us fans and carry on with BF4, BF5 as COD clones like you did for BF3.......Thanks.
"Well, that's a question you should put to Microsoft and Sony! I would say that a lot of people are already always online through other devices," Mallat said. "I would suspect that the audience is ready."
... try telling that to all those who bought Simcity on launch day you blithering fucking idiot
TurboGuru's comments