Turbopre08's forum posts
Okay...here's the situation. My brother is a **** up. I love him, but he's a ****-up. During the last 7 or 8 years or so, he's been a constant source of stress for my family, and when all is said and done he's probably added about 5 years to my parents' age. Just recently though, he realized that he was a ****-up, and vowed to start growing up and acting like a man.
Which I thought was awesome.
And then, about a month later he got pulled over by a cop, and got ****ed up. Not because he was doing much of anything stupid, but largely because he failed to clear up some of the stupid **** that he had previously done.
So...he lost his driver's license which caused him to lose his job. And he's had trouble finding other work for two reasons. Firstly, he has no driver's license, so it's hard for him to get to work. And secondly, he's had about a dozen jobs in the last 10 years or so. And none of those places are willing to hire him back or give him a good recommendation.
So my brother is out of a job, can't drive, has a really hard time finding work because he screwed up so much, and has a health condition that requires money.
So anyway, here's my dilemma. At my job, they love me. I get treated with a lot of respect there, and people there stick their neck out for me. I have very little doubt that I could get my brother hired there even just as a dishwasher or something. Sure, he still has to put in an application, and my employers are still gonna check up on his employment history. But I think they trust me enough that if I vouched for him, they'd give him a job. Maybe not a GOOD job, but A job. And right now, my brother just needs A job.
The only thing is, I don't want to hurt my reputation there. Because like I said, they love me over there, and they've gone out of their way to take care of me. And I do NOT want to call my judgement into question and threaten my credibility by standing up for someone who's gonna **** up after getting hired on my word.
But on the other hand, my brother has also been seriously been thinking about how he's a **** up, and I think that he's decided to stop ****ing up.
But then on the fourth hand, he ****ed up very soon afterwards, so I don't know how serious he is. Granted, part of what happened to him was because of offenses that he had no idea that he had, but the fact remains that he still knew that he was ****ing up. It's just that he expected at worst a ticket rather than getting his license revoked and losing his job. So I can't completely disregard the idea that he's trying to grow up.
Basically it's like this...I really think he's trying to do better, and I think that sticking up for family is important. But on the other hand, he IS still ****ing up, and the only reason why I even had to consider the possibility of getting him hired at my job was because of how badly he ****ed up recently.
So...what should I do? I mean, he is ****ing family, and I think he's serious about wanting to change. But on the other hand, even though I would only be recommending him for something menial like dishwashing (right now, he just needs ANY job), I'd still be putting my reputation on the line by recommending him. And despite the fact that I really wouldn't really want to work with the guy anyway (I love my brother, but sometimes siblings work best together when they aren't actually working together), I still can't completely vouch for the fact that the guy won't **** up.
So...any advice? I love the guy, but I'm actually sort of embarrased by him. But embarrasment is jack ****. The dude is my ****ing brother, and he needs a job. I think I can get him a job, which I would gladly do, the only concern I have is that he would **** up at work, and therefore **** up my reputation. I THINK he's trying to change, but I'm honestly not 100% sure, and I don't want to screw things up for me by calling my judgement into question.
if i had a dollar everytime you said **** i would be a 17dollionnaire
im not casing on hondas really i think their pretty good. its just where i live people get the uglies beat up hondas ever and all they do is primer it and stick a muffler on it and now they think their badass. so thats wat turned me away from hondas. But my mom drives a honda oddysey and i think its cool because the side doors open automatically like a space ship:o
Im all for being competative in the game, but to turn gaming into a league? Thats pretty stupid.Matt2556
why? its the same thing as physical sports except its mental. thats like saying football is stupid. beleive or not mlg will be mainstream just like the nfl,nhl,nba,mlb, etc
I think my rarest item is my super scope that I just got todayVideogamefan123
is the super scope a gun that was used for snes? if so i have so many memories with that thing! my cousing used to have that and we had good times
If Sweet n Low tastes like anything but ass to you, then you have something wrong with your taste buds.cametalli didnt make this up it was on the news sorry i thought it was just an interesting find. and i never tasted sweet n low so i couldnt of know that sweet n low already tastes like crap
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