I never had an Xbox, but I've played a lot of Halo. And I think it's an awesome game. Seeing it on the PC is really nice, but the price of getting the game and Vista Home Premium is too high at the moment. I'm going to keep saving for Guitar Hero II.
Alright, I'm tired of all this fanboy battering as soon as somebody writes an article that has the 'three-letter-word' in the title. Honestly : if you want a fix now, go with the 360. It's a good system, and some of the games (Gears) are crazy, but what Microsoft's been doing with the system has been pretty predictable. A few exclusive games that shake some heads, but not much else. If you want something inexpensive, different and active, buy a Wii. Don't worry about the 'kiddy' image, suitable games will come. And if you have the money and a nice TV, are anxious to be a part of the MotorStorm online lobby, or want to ride with Sony's big fancy graphics and Home, buy a PS3.
Well, I don't see any dusty PS3s on the shelves at every store in my local area. Maybe that's because I live in Canada, maybe it's because people actually buy them. Maybe both.
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