[QUOTE="Twin-Blade"]I may get accused of a few things here... In video games in general, the vast, vast, vast majority of characters and voices are male. The people that make the games, mostly male. Men run the video games industry. Just look at E3, how many women key notes have there ever been? As a woman, I find that deeply problematic in itself. So I guess my point is, women get an awful deal in video games. We don't have many strong voices. I am not saying you have no point at all. Male characters in games can also be problematic too, but I guess I am saying that when men write men in games for men 90% of the time...womens representation is a lot worse than mens representation. Unrelated to what twin-blade posted, I have to say, gamespot commenters and people on these boards...many of you (but not all by a long shot) are not seeing your privilege here.Upon further thinking, I'd like to make a complaint regarding the Gamespot staff member Carolyn Petit on the grounds of misandry. In her critique of a game that depicts males as sleazy, sadistic, morally-decrepit criminals, she completely overlooks them when discussing the way characters are depicted, though emphasizes and criticises the portrayal of women within the game. Where is the justice here? Are we meant to interpret such a stereotype to be the social norm for men? Is the male sex so inferior that such issues do not even raise an eyebrow? All I'm looking for is some equality here.
Video games shouldnt really be so male dominated, and I dont have any reasons as to why that is, but what I do know is that many different people play video games. They aren't just for you and if a reviewer mentions something that doesnt apply to you then why is that such an issue? I mean, I would argue that misogny, racism, sexism, homophobia do apply to everyone but why did this strike such a nerve? What is wrong with pointing out hateful misogny in a video game? Why is this being put in a "personal agenda" box? Got to say I haven't played the game yet, so I don't know how bad gta v is for this stuff. But regardless of how bad gta 5 is for this stuff (and that is a conversation worth having in a month or so when everyone gets to play it properly and the hype dies down) why is someone pointing out sexism percieved as some kind of attack?
Carolyn Petit is one of the few women who reviews games proffesionally (and possibly the only trans person). She is going to notice and interpret these things because when is the last time a woman like her has been depicted in a video game? It may have happened but I cant think of a time. And she writes as a person who is different from the male dominated culture. Does that make her points any less valid? If you answered yes, and you believe that being a woman makes your views on games less valid, stop reading now. We will never agree and the rest of my post will annoy you. And also, go away, you are a bad person. But the (mostly male) fans dont see the problem here as "this video game may be sexist, lets explore that and see if video games have a problem". Its reaction is to have fired one of the few voices for women in video games because she dared speak for a part of gamerdom that is mostly ignored.
This whole thing has been very distressing, because it is clear that, if a woman has a problem with a game because she is upset at how people like her are portrayed, that men don't appear to be able to deal with it and somehow, they blame her for noticing it and the problem is hers. How are women supposed to get more of a voice in this climate? Hell, I am probably going to get shouted down because I am a woman defending another woman. This is a classic example of a minority voicing a problem and the majority seeing it as an attack on their rights because their privilige has blinded them (like when for the first time ever a woman takes a post that has only ever been occupied by guys, and the guys assume it is because she is a woman instead of her credentials and it is an attack on men....) Unless you are all actually women....then this entire post falls down...:D
Sorry it's taken me so long to reply; work and sleep got in the way. I haven't read others replies so I imagine many of my arguments will be the same. First and foremost, the video game industry is dominated by males, both in terms of those working within the industry and as a market demographic. This doesn't mean there aren't plenty of females in both sectors, and it certainly doesn't mean all games should cater to males. However, the truth of the matter is that the majority of video games will be made with a male influence, not only because of those making the game, but also because of the male audience in mind. That won't always result in a male-skewed gamed, but surely developers and publishers alike will have thought about it. It's just business.
As you say, many different people play video games, and they aren't just made for me. You're absoloutly right, not all games are targeted at a male audience. The Grand Theft Auto franchise is, however. It doesn't mean only males can purchase the game. It doesn't mean only males can enjoy the game. But it does mean that it's been developed with a male audience in mind. And there are plenty of franchises just the same. But if a review makes issue with aspects not of concern to me, why should I take note? As my first post in this topic pointed out (many pages back now), It doesn't. If misogony is prevelant within the game, then those concerned with it should absoloutely be informed. My argument is that misogony isn't prevalent in GTA5. In a satirical video game where men are petrayed just as poorly, why are the female characters highlighted? If anything, the game is misanthropic.
No, what I think the issue here is, is that Carolyn has a personal agenda. With it becoming quite an "issue" now in mainstream gaming media, it's the latest trend to search for any form of misogony within video games. Had Gone Home been released two years ago, would it have recieved critical acclaim? Many will say it would have; I have my doubts. Grand Theft Auto 5 is a huge release. What better platform for a gaming journalist with an agenda to have their opinion heard? A bit of a claim you might think? Then what about Carolyn Petit's reviews on both Sainst Row 3 and 4, the series that featured the likeness of a pornstar who also voiced her character, as well as the "Penthouse Pack" downloadable content?
Carolyn's complaints? "Visually unimpressive - Ocassional Glitches" and "Combat grows dull despite your varied powers - Monotonous setting". Her gender has no bearing on whether her opinion is validated. She is a human being and her thoughts should be regarded. But are her points in regards to GTA5 valid, regardless of gender? That's for each individual to decide.
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