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TwistedDevil45 Blog

Like A Long Neck Goose!

My brother rented Rainbow Six: Vegas for the Xbox 360. Very good game. Gameplay is wild. So yeah, I just might buy this game. Now then...... I'll just add it to my huge list of games to buy. Yeah..... That's nice...

Bleed Burma Blood

I always kick it oldschool. Word? Word.

Two new games. For real? Yup. First, Timeshift. Hot stuff. I saw some gameplay vids. And I like what I see. Everything looks to be to my liking. Even the story.... If you can believe that. Yeah, I usually have trouble with a game because of the story. I then end up not buying it. But this game. Yeah, I like the story. Next up is, BlackSite: Area 51. Yeah, it just caught my eye. No gameplay vids yet. But I'm sure it's going to be good. In fact, I might head over there right now to see if any are up. Um, I also like the story. Great AI from what I'm hearing. So yeah, I'm looking forward to it. But I'm going to rent it like Timeshift. Yup, renting them both. You can't be too careful these days with certain games.

Something I don't like about Skate. They way the characters in the game refer to the game, as a game. Damn! It really bothers me sometimes. But then, I just go see what's on the tv. Anywho, currently playing Samurai Warriors: Extreme Legends. Great game. Bro and I are currently training many characters. Such as Maeda Keji, Uesugi Kenshin, Takeda Shingen, and Kunoichi. The hours fly when we play this game. Meaning, great game. In other news, we're picking up KOF 11 this time for real. Yeah, I'm really sure this time. I must prepare tokill countless hours on this game. That's how great it's going to be. Mmm, that's some goood gravy. :D

Games Feel

Games are important. So please. Don't....

Throw them around carelessly

Throw them on the floor

Forget about them

Scratch them

Games are alive. They feel. And yes, that bad feeling you get sometimes. That's the game saying, "We never play with each other anymore Tim." Yeah, that's messed up. But it will happen. But still, even if you don't play the game anymore. Make it feel like it's a part of you. It's still part of the group. Word? Word. Peace, and much afro grease. Fro-eva.

I Rented...

THPG (Tony Hawk's Proving Ground) Good game. But I've been slowly falling out of TH's series for a while now. And plus, Skate kinda ruined TH games for me. Well, maybe not THUG (Tony Hawk's Under Ground). I could play that game forever really. For some reason, it never bores me. But yeah, Skate ruined it for me. Damn, that game is good.

Here's another game I love. FF8. Damn. What a game. Characters are cool. Story is good. Gameplay is ill. Meaning good. I'll play that game for a little while and soon find, 5 hours have gone by. Of course, the main character is a bit of a jackass. But hey, that's why we love him. One of the reasons I really love the game. Is the gameplay. Wow. The system they used in this FF is the Junction System. Which basically makes magic almost worthless. But hey, in return, you become a God. Still don't understand? I'll explain. *Plays Dethklok's Dethday) The Junction system works by taking magic you've stocked up on, and applying it to a Junction slot. Such as, HP, VIT, or MAG. (Health Points, Vitality, and Magic) I recommend you stock up to 100 of the magic you are junctioning to get the full effect. I'll use HP first. In the beginning of the game, your characters have low health points. You're not in any danger for now, but you'll wanna increase that health over time. Here's how to do it. Start by junctioning magic as soon as you can. Once you have 100, it's time to Junction it to your health. But first, you'll need something. A GF. A GF is a mythical creature with powers far beyond humans. You can procure two in the beginning of the game. One of the two, is.... Well.... Um. Can't remember the name. Or rather, I can't spell it.... So what!? Big hairy freakin' deal! Anyway, this GF begins off with HP Junction. Yeah, a GF needs this in order for you to start junctioning magic to your health. Oh, and it's not Shiva... So then.... Yeah, it's the other one. Questalot, or something to that effect. Make sure you have it learning that move. HP Junction. And then, when it learns it, junction the magic to your health to find, that it has increased. There you go. Over time, you will find more magic that does a better health increase. So be on the look out kiddies. Try junctioning from everything you see. By thats I mean monsters yous comes across. VIT and MAG works the same way.

In other news, I've played through all the Metal Slugs. And I must say, they all rocked my world. Great games. Great series. A fresh bowl of pudding for me. Mmmm good. I'm currently not playing Metal Slug right now anymore. Just back to my old stuff. Skate, Samurai Warriors, and DMC 3: Special Edition. Ahh hell, just look at my now playing list will ya?! Well, that's all for now. And thanks for reading. See you later.

French Fried Biscuits

Nothing new. I thought I would just talk about alot of the games I like. And some I'm really looking forward too.

I'm looking forward to Army Of Two. That's going to be hot. I love the way the gameplay looks. The characters are cool. So, I'll really enjoy that. Assassin's Creed is next. Not a lot needs to be said about this game. Just looking at it, you know it's going to be hot. Next is, Mass Effect. Mass Effect is like a blend of KOTOR and first person shooters. So yeah, that is really cool. Haven't really seen the gameplay, but I know it's going to be groovy. DMC 4. Yeah, that's going to be nice. I'm still playing DMC 1 and 3. The gameplay looks hot. I'm a fan, so yeah. I'll enjoy that. SSB: Brawl. Yeah, that's going to be insane. Everyone who is anyone is a fan of the series, I've seen a little of the gameplay. Um, I like what I see. So yeah, another hot game I'm looking forward too. Super Mario Galaxy. C'mon, everybody is a fan. We all grew up with him. Mario is hot gravy. HOT gravy. That's a good thing. Gameplay and graphics and what not. I'm getting this game because Mario is in here. Here. *Points to his heart* He's in there.

So, that's a taste of what I'm looking forward too. As for what I'm playing right now. Just look at my now playing list. I'm still playing all those. Yes, even DMC 3: Special Edition. I play the french fries out of that game. Mmm, french fries with gravy. Skate is really hot though. I play that game a lot. It's just tons of fun. If you're a skater, you'll love it. If you're not one, you'll still love it. I'm more of a street kinda guy. You know? I'll pop a kickflip into a nose manual, then flip out with a 180 360 flip. Yeah baby, I rip those grinds up as well. Another game I really like is, Virtua Fighter 5. Wow. The graphics. I've said it in the past. Graphics don't mean jack to me. But there are great to look at. And Virtua Fighter 5 has it. Wow, what a good looking game. Gameplay is crazy as well. Yeah, good clean family fun. For the whole family :D.

Um, I haven't touched Ratchet & Clank Future: Tools Of Destruction yet. My brother is currently enjoying that right now. I'm waiting for the right time to play that game. Along with Ninja Gaiden Sigma.... Which I picked up a while back. I've yet to play that game...... Man, that is not groovy. I'll find the time. That's all for now. See you later.

Devil's Tools Of Destruction

Yup. I got Ratchet & Clank: Tools Of Destruction today. I haven't played it yet, but I will soon. Well, maybe not soon. But I will get around to it.

In other news, I guess KOF was pushed back. Son of a... Well, I can wait. Skate and the other games will keep me in top form. I don't know... I guess... I guess I just hoped they would've used better judgment. Metalocalypse... Funny.


November. The day of death for the gamer. Well, the death of our money anyway. I mean really. Look a all these games coming out for November. Wow, they really crammed them together. Did all the game designers get together and decide to put all their stuff out in the same month or something? Did I miss this meeting? If so, why wasn't I informed? I tell you one thing, I am seriously broke. Well, not really, but I am broke. I have some money.... Which is all going to November..... Damn you November.

Have you seen my wish list? Have you?! Take a look for yourselves. You'd think I was rich. Hahahaha. I'm not. I'm just really good with money. And I have a job. Something a lot of gamers still have yet to learn. Managing money. Good luck to you all learning that skill. And I will see you next time.

Just a little side thingy here. Metal Slug is fun as hell. All of the versions I've played are super fun. We're at Metal Slug 4.Great way to pass the time. I can kill hours on that. You can also do that at the arcade, Just lots of coins will be lost at those bosses. I play with my brother. I must say, we're getting pretty ahh... Pretty good at it.

Goods N' Stuff

I've played stranglehold for a while now. Enjoyed the hell out of it. I didn't get to beat it. Had to take it back. But I will be buying the game. Yeah, I like it that much. Umm, in other news.... We bought Gundam Musou for the PS3. Yeah, it's a great game for a Koei fan. And a Dynasty Warrior fan. So, go pick it up if you like the company and the games they make. We did, we like. Yup.

Um, we also picked up Metal Slug Anthology for the Wii. Great game. A must have for any NeoGeo fan. Which I am. We are playing the hell out of this game. Very fun. Wednesday, we'll be picking up KOF 11. I think. I'll check on that. Later for now.


So I've been currently keeping myself busy with Tenchu Z. Great game. If you're a Tenchu fan, you'll like this game. Stealth kills are somewhat improved. Missions do run together, but are still cool to do. As I've said before, I'm not into graphics, but they are good to look at. Tenchu's graphics that is. So don't believe what gamespot said about the game. Well, that should come obviously. Rent the game and check it out for yourself. As for fans, buy the game.

Today, I rented Stranglehold. That's really gonna keep me sane for a while. Of course, I'm still messing around with all my other games that I have on my now playing list. Just not as much. But Stranglehold should keep me in good condition.

Lastly, wow. SF 4?? OMGOUWTF?! Hot stuff. I was recently informed about this game. It's gonna be insane.

Plus Blood Size

Ahh me. Just... Just look at me. Me and my ridiculous titles. But hey, I love those titles.

Anyway, I rented a game called, Lost Planet: Extreme Condition. A fine game indeed. A bit taxing at times, but it's cool none the less. Passes the time. I'm planning on beating it before I take it back. I'll get around to it I hope. So yeah, that's keeping me sane until Oct 23rd. That and FF8. Yup, back to olds chool. I'm loving it too. The best FF in my opinion. Well, I think it's on par with FF10. That's just me.

My brother and I play FF8 together? How is that possible? We share, duh. It's quite fun that way. And time passes hella quick. We're currently still on first disk. We're trying to.... Well, attempting to assassinate the Sorceress. Of course, training comes first. We would continue playing it but.... We're busy with something else. Ironic. We were going crazy looking for something to play. We found it. But then, we found something else to play. Guess we're no longer bored. Hmm, weird.

In other news, that new Dethklok album I bought is doing me wonders. I listen to it playing Lost Planet, DMC 3: Special Edition, and Skate. Whoo, what an album. Ok, next week. I'll talk about DMC 3. If I haven't already... Hmm. Guess I'll talk a little more about it then. Later.

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