This is not a rant about the quality of DNF but about the quality of all those negative reviews on Duke Nukem Forever....
Someone tell me what's wrong with these graphics??
I mean what the hell!? People expect this game to be something 'amazing'? It's a satirical FPS with the purpose of entertaining gamers and giving the user a nostalgic experience of one of the most iconic characters in the history of gaming.
90% of the reviews out so far criticizing the game is criticizing it for not being a COD or a BFBC. I mean come on!? People are complaining that the visuals are in par with a game that came out in 2007!? HOW THE HELL IS THAT A BAD THING!?? It's not like the graphics are so crap that the game is unplayable!! The graphics are FINE!!
The next thing is that the game is too old!! What were you expecting? A game scheduled to release in the late 90s, continued until 2009 something until it was dropped. It takes a lot of 'genitals' to resurrect something from the dead, and I praise Gearbox for completing what 3D Realms had started. They didn't plan to scrap everything and restart, they didn't promise anything new - they simply completed something unfinished. Without them, no DNF. It was all for the better.
I've played a fair amount of the campaign and must say they are varied. Once again, people hating DNF for not being a COD. I'm sorry but COD1 all the way to MW3 (judging by E3 footage and own knowledge) involves you following a white distance marker (so effing linear!!!) for the ridiculously short campaign and average multiplayer experience, yet people praise it and buy it at incredible prices!! I mean MW2 is still £45 ($60-ish) just cause it's overrated!!
Here comes a fairly lengthy campaign with tonnes of tongue-in-cheek humour (which does get repetitive I must admit) but offers a dynamic experience in which you can do anything such as throw poop at people or draw willies or explore environments and do something naughty.... like taking steroids!! Yet people find it repetitive and very linear although most environments are quite open....
What the hell!?
Seriously.... most the people complaining haven't even played the game yet make judgements based on the trailers etc.
The game was designed to poke fun at modern issues and to also retread on old 90s subjects. It wasn't meant to be took seriously, as you can tell by the ridiculous storyline (which is Duke kicking alien butts cos they jacked his babes) so why expect something serious and very in-depth....
As far as I can say, Duke Nukem Forever was a refreshing experience and was worth the money in my opinion. However, I recommend the standard gamer waits for a price drop (buy it in a months time) and enjoy. Fans of Duke Nukem or arcade games in general must buy ASAP.
My rating: 8/10
There ARE plenty of boobs....
Multiplayer is amazing by the way: shrink rays, jet packs and chicks instead of flags for CTF are novel additions to the experience :)
The purpose of this article is to inform those who are now hesitant to purchase the game or all those who have pre-ordered to not worry. This is one of those fine examples of a good game being negatively portrayed to death to put off sales. One such game would be Brink which was objective based and didn't follow the features of a conventional shooter, yet commercially it sold pretty well despite reviewers ranting about it not being like boring-old COD!
Just remember, this is Duke Nukem. It wasn't designed to give you a state-of-the-art experience, but it is a commercial package to entertain the masses, and those who did enjoy titles like Bulletstorm will definitely love Duke Nukem Forever. It's pure arcade action with a lot of attitude.
The genuine errors in the game were long load times (30 seconds each on average), bland textures (but not a biggy; not huge enough to put me off the entire game like many reviews claim), only 2 weapons can be carried which is totally not Duke, cheeky one-liners become repetitive after a while.... I accept that the game could've improved in these aspects, but many of its other features make up for these errors which are mostly technical errors rather than gameplay issues. I mean, if a Duke Nukem game was to be made in modern times, THIS is how it can be. It cannot become something which it is not. Compare it with Duke3D and you will find the same patterns. Although the final quality of the game is something that took 13 months to make rather than 13 years, the game is still a memorable experience. I say go for it.
'The problem with these reviews is that they criticize the old-school concept. It's fair to hate the graphics, but the throwback concept is a GOOD thing. These Call of Duty loving critics don't get that it's an intentional thing. DNF is NOT supposed to be a typical modern day shooter.'
Accurately sums up my rant (credit goes to some lass who posted it on Facebook)
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