Being a loyal 360 user since early 2007, I'm disgusted by the Xbox One. I tried my best to like it when it was first announced but I've decided - the PS4 is the superior choice ;)
So what about all those people who purchased an EA title second hand and then had to pay $15-20 for an online pass just to play multiplayer?? Half these games came out over a year back so you've milked as much money out of them anyway - this removal of the online pass system is hardly doing us a favour because nobody gives a toss about these titles anymore...
EA, you may think that this move may win you sympathy and make the consumer support you again but you still remain to one of the greediest corporations in existence.
@RedLegZeff @TxtBin Yeah, I dunno... it could go both ways. Could either work really well or could completely fall flat on its face.
I'll remain pessimistic. I'm sure GTA V will be good but I just don't like the sort of voluntary switching between characters. If the game kinda forced me into playing these different characters in a chronological way that all the missions kind of amalgamate in a logical order instead of me playing easier missions for a character I neglected whilst having been 3/4 of the way through with missions for another character I'd be happier. I also imagine that some of the dialogue between characters may be awkward cause they can't really discuss about events within the game unless the player makes a proactive attempt to play through all the missions of each character simultaneously. Then again, having a forced system of switching characters would also not live up to GTA's "free roam" aspect.
Despite being a HUGE Grand Theft Auto fan, I'm really skeptical about this entire multi-protagonist concept simply because it breaks the immersion; the concept has to be executed in a very seamless way and that just seems too ambitious for a sandbox game.
Another similar issue is the fact that I hate having games which are TOO open-ended. I'm all for multiple endings and story lines but when you have various characters, I panic into having to experience everything and have such a disjointed experience. I actually want to complete all the missions and go ahead with a character and dedicate my play time towards that character - more than one just makes me forget about the whole feature and neglect key missions. The devs also confirmed that when you're playing with one guy, the rest go about doing their own thing so say I complete the game with one character, I have to replay again to play the other 2 simply cause I forgot to play with the others simply cause I'm not used to it yet.
Anyway, only time will tell and I'm sure Rockstar won't disappoint...
In my opinion, you guys need to just live with the reality. It's a next-gen console. How much longer are you gonna be playing offline?? Anyone who's likely to get a next-gen console probably already has a serviceable internet connection, and probably a Wi-Fi one too...
If you can't live with it, then go ahead and get yourselves a PS4.
Nope - this will be a PS3 and 360 only title UNTIL the inevitable PC release which will follow maybe 8 months later after the home console release.. partnered with a optimized next-gen version so both the PC and the next-gen console will run at PC-spec like quality...
I dont get it... instead of marketing it as a gaming tablet, Windows should just call it an Xbox Portable or something so it attracts more customers. I really don't see people buying a tablet specifically for gaming at that price to play something like Angry Birds. Call me ignorant but this is how I feel.
@Stonecutters908 The thing is the 3DS is a very feeble excuse of a hardware. The visuals are still really grainy and pathetic... adding 3D is purely a marketing gimmick. In my eyes, the 3DS is pretty much a DS - very, very pathetic for a portable system but the marketing is where it is so kids are obviously gonna go all gaga over the 3D features and so on.
The Vita is a very competent piece of hardware; it just requires more triple AAA releases to catch the attention of the market. I still fail to understand why there's no sign of a God of War or Metal Gear exclusive title for the system yet. I reckon in the next year or so, we will see more exclusives which will boost the Vita's market and hopefully they'll employ a more successful marketing scheme.
I suppose we should also help them out and burn books, rap music CDs, DVDs, burn theaters down so no more playing of violent movies and you know what? Let's destroy our TVs and computers as well just in case we see something that could cause childrebn to completely flip out and go out on a massacre.
TxtBin's comments