I was reading a blog yesterday about how some guy blocked him because he said something about DMC wasnt canon to the series or somehing, if you read it you'll see what I mean by its just stupid, just because someone disagrees with something they block them. Well I went to go comment and say welcome back etc. when I read a comment from the guy he was saying blocked him. The guy was just saying loads of reasons why he blocked him one being something like "you dissed my fave game series" or whatever and all the reasons where kinda stupid, like theres just no need to get so upset about it. Then this guy mentions something that I know from experience when talking to him, and I said sometimes everyone has there 'idiot' moments, you just gotta ignore them. I said something he took offence to which he took the wrong way, and to make it worse interpreted the word wrong:roll: So this guy flips out and acts like a child, I mean, I was sticking up for him and was trying to be fair to the guy and say that sometimes he can be an idiot. But no, this guy starts saying I offended him and stuff and I was just trying to say theres no need for what he just said, and yet it just dragged me into this argument, then there's people saying stop fighting and stuff, while he's still having a go at me and the guy who wrote the blog. He then says I called him gay but I never even mentioned the word, he said that the thing I said to hi meant he was gay but it didnt, he just didnt understand what I was saying. So anyway, this guy says something like "what your like 16, cant believe im getting told what to do by a kid" and over here in the UK 16 your not a kid, your not an adult either and thats where the term 'young adult' comes from:roll: At 16 you can leave education and get a job, that means your earning money, your doing what adults do, kids dont do that. I know in the US its different and I even said that, like maybe not in the US but in the UK etc. but still wont listen. So this ends with him saying he's getting the mods and stuff (me a kid? jeez!) so I was like fine, Ill just leave it, he would get busted too as he quoted what I said:P...so it ended, I got moderated, just a warning, didnt even lose points. which im glad about as I dont feel like I was doing anything wrong, of course I didnt wanna just go offending people, all my friends on here know that:) (you do right?:P) So it ended, I went to go see what happened to my comments as the PM said only one was deleted, I wantd to go delete the rest and forget about the whole thing, and then saw some other guy has jumped on the bandwagon (love that term:P) and it sucks, at first its like "whats going on, with all the fighting?" which is fair enough, and then "and to the KID, yeah I called you a KID because in the states you are a kid" I was just thinking "WTF!!!" I dont even live in the states, and no offence but I never want to either and it might be the same with you too, you might not give a crap about the UK, you dont have to and your not expected to, I know alot of Americans on here, and you are all really nice people and are cool. But the US dont have anything to do with me, why should people put up with that?
You might not agree with me, but I hope you can atleat understand what I mean and how im feeling right now, I wanna see what you think as well though, might make me feel a bit better about it:)
one more thing, all the people I talk to in unions and on my friends, Im not talking about you, your all nice people, hence the reason your on my friends still:P:) Also I really dont mean to offend anybody with any of this, so if you do feel offended sorry and just say so, ill apologize:)
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