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TyZeRViRuS Blog

Haha, some people just make me laugh....

I was reading a blog yesterday about how some guy blocked him because he said something about DMC wasnt canon to the series or somehing, if you read it you'll see what I mean by its just stupid, just because someone disagrees with something they block them. Well I went to go comment and say welcome back etc. when I read a comment from the guy he was saying blocked him. The guy was just saying loads of reasons why he blocked him one being something like "you dissed my fave game series" or whatever and all the reasons where kinda stupid, like theres just no need to get so upset about it. Then this guy mentions something that I know from experience when talking to him, and I said sometimes everyone has there 'idiot' moments, you just gotta ignore them. I said something he took offence to which he took the wrong way, and to make it worse interpreted the word wrong:roll: So this guy flips out and acts like a child, I mean, I was sticking up for him and was trying to be fair to the guy and say that sometimes he can be an idiot. But no, this guy starts saying I offended him and stuff and I was just trying to say theres no need for what he just said, and yet it just dragged me into this argument, then there's people saying stop fighting and stuff, while he's still having a go at me and the guy who wrote the blog. He then says I called him gay but I never even mentioned the word, he said that the thing I said to hi meant he was gay but it didnt, he just didnt understand what I was saying. So anyway, this guy says something like "what your like 16, cant believe im getting told what to do by a kid" and over here in the UK 16 your not a kid, your not an adult either and thats where the term 'young adult' comes from:roll: At 16 you can leave education and get a job, that means your earning money, your doing what adults do, kids dont do that. I know in the US its different and I even said that, like maybe not in the US but in the UK etc. but still wont listen. So this ends with him saying he's getting the mods and stuff (me a kid? jeez!) so I was like fine, Ill just leave it, he would get busted too as he quoted what I it ended, I got moderated, just a warning, didnt even lose points. which im glad about as I dont feel like I was doing anything wrong, of course I didnt wanna just go offending people, all my friends on here know that:) (you do right?:P) So it ended, I went to go see what happened to my comments as the PM said only one was deleted, I wantd to go delete the rest and forget about the whole thing, and then saw some other guy has jumped on the bandwagon (love that term:P) and it sucks, at first its like "whats going on, with all the fighting?" which is fair enough, and then "and to the KID, yeah I called you a KID because in the states you are a kid" I was just thinking "WTF!!!" I dont even live in the states, and no offence but I never want to either and it might be the same with you too, you might not give a crap about the UK, you dont have to and your not expected to, I know alot of Americans on here, and you are all really nice people and are cool. But the US dont have anything to do with me, why should people put up with that?

You might not agree with me, but I hope you can atleat understand what I mean and how im feeling right now, I wanna see what you think as well though, might make me feel a bit better about it:)

one more thing, all the people I talk to in unions and on my friends, Im not talking about you, your all nice people, hence the reason your on my friends still:P:) Also I really dont mean to offend anybody with any of this, so if you do feel offended sorry and just say so, ill apologize:)

Got a PS3? - Important

Well...not that impotant:P

Hey everyone, I just changed my old union (The Gamers Club) into The Playstation Network. The unions short description is "This union is for users of the Playstation Network. A place where clans, buddies and tournies can be formed. Learn about the latest updates and news here." I hope you all join, well, atleast, I hope the people with a PS3 and access to PSN join, or if your getting a PS3 then you should join too:) Hit my unions tab, then go to The Playstation Network and join!

I hope to see you in the union:)

See ya ppl8)


Im so bored, everything is so boring. GS is boring. Halloween was good, went out with some mates and got drunk, walked around, had fun...but its still boring. My legs better, alot better, I can walk on it but im on so many different tablets and stuff that I feel tired and dont want to go walking about. November is gunna hopefully kill the boredom, just as soon as those games start coming, for some reason im hyped for Call Of Duty 4, I was never really interested in it until the other day, maybe im just craving for a new PS3 game...but it does look awesome. Well what else...erm...unions going well, not dead yet, and it doesnt look like it will be anytime soon, the glitch is gone so I can invite people to the union. Oh the glitch is gone! yeah it feels so good to be able to read and send messages. yesterday my Gamecube died, it was slowly dying as soon as I got my PS3. But yesterday it just wouldnt work. Then today I thought I'd try one more time, it didnt work but I kept trying until finally it started up, its come back from the dead, I played RE4 for a while, then got a little tired so decided to switch it off. Dont know if it will ever work again but hey...So yeah, um....*blank moment*! I got busted at school for saying the C word in class through a rolled up bit of paper (y'know, like whenyou make everything louder) and the 4 lettered C word wasnt Crap...yup. Well thats my life at the moment, as you can see NOTHING is happening and its very bored...please help:(

Resident Evil CGI Movie!!!!

My leg is still killing me, GS and these damn glitches are still killing me, but this has made my day! Capcom and Sony are doing a Resi CGI!! Its what I always wanted them to do, ever since I first saw the opening to the REmake I thought 'wouldnt it be great if they made a whole RE movie like that?' Hey and it could be even better now! Its awesome news, this is a chance to see the REAL Resi story in a movie:D Hopefully they do a good job of it:)

"Capcom and Sony Computer Entertainment Pictures have announced plans to produce a feature-length CGI movie based on the highly successful Biohazard (known as Resident Evil in the west) videogames franchise.

Titled Biohazard: Degeneration, the movie is currently scheduled for release some time in 2008, and will be the first full length CGI adaptation of the popular survival horror series"

And here's the link to the news:

see ya ppl 8)

Broken Leg!?!?!?!?

So some of you may know (those of you who I talk to on MSN) that last week I ran into some lockers for a laugh (long story). Well it hurt bad, I got a fractured foot and a broken arm (Left one so its all good;)) and my foot didnt hurt so bad once a night had paased after I did it, my arm would kinda ache as expected, but not too bad. Then today (so more than a week ago this happened) I was in MK just handing my CV into some shops to hopefully get a job sometime soon, and then me and a mate decided to go cinema, not much on, and he wanted to see RE3...I had already seen it when it was released but thought I wouldnt mind seeing it again as it was cool. As I was walking to get tickets the small bruised feeling in my right leg which I got from the 'locker incident' started hurting badly, my leg was the first thing to hit those lockers but only felt bruised on the week it happened, but for some reason the pain had got worse just as I was in the middle of MK, I could barely walk, I was walking proper slow and I couldnt bend my knee, but I got on with it anyway, watched the movie (great movie). So I came out the cinema and decided to go home because the pain was proper bad, got to one of the many bus stops in Centre MK and saw that we had atleast an hour to kill before the bus arrived (we doubled checked because it seemed wrong, but it definately said the next bus was in an hour) so me and my mate walked across the road with all these buses speeding past and as we got to the other side I looked behind me to see our bus at the bus stop, it was unbelieveable, and beforehand as I was coming out the cinema I said to my mate that I cant run for the bus if we're late and he said we'll just wat for the next then, and he was like "ah man, this sucks...we'll have to wait ages for the next one" so I was like **** it and we ran across the road not even looking to see if anything was coming, luckily for me there wasnt as I would be in worse pain than now if there had been. More to the point this killed my leg and I just couldnt walk. So once I finally limped home my mum took me to the doctors and they said itll need an X-ray to be sure, but they think its broken. But I dont really think it is, I mean its the worst pain I have ever felt, but wouldnt it have been killing me when I had done it? So I think at the most its a fracture, as they can easily get worse if you dont rest, and they can go un-noticed too. So all in all it sucks, as Halloween is 2 days away and I wanted to go egging with all my mates, we had a plan, we were gunna go egg the school and shop and a few kinda-friends houses, but obviously I wont be able to because I cant run away:cry: So Im going hospital tommorrow, hopefully its good news, so wish me luck:) Oh and what would be even better - I go to bed tonight and wake up fine:)....or atleast have GS fix this damn glitch:evil:

see ya ppl 8)

New Banner and Blog Header

2 blog posts in one for me, well im still mega ****ed off at GS and these stupid glitches, so I decided to freshen up my profile with a new banner and matching blog header. They're simple, just a couple of different brushes, an image, and the super-awesome rendering tool:D But for how simple it is, it has a awesome effect and I like it:) What do you guys think?

AARRGGHHH!!!! Damn Glitches!!!

I am so ****ing ****ed of with these ****ing glitches! There everywhere, all the ****ing time theres atleast one stupid glitch going on, stupid glitches....the one thats REALLY ****ing me off is this PM one, I dont think Ive ever had so many messages in one day, and it had to happen when theres a glitch going on. Please please please try not to send any PMs to me until this glitch is gone, its so damn annoying! I even sent one out myself because I thought the glitch was fixed, but no, its not. Stupid glitches, if GS dont sort this stupid thing out im leaving because its doing my head in, I wont go through the list of glitches there are because theres too damn many!

In other news Im (me and some other ppl who have joined in) making this animation that started as a stupid idea for something to do instead of GCSE's coursework in IT class a year ago. We're actually gunna make it now so Ill keep you updated on it as its meant to be a funny animation, and is kinda rude too so I cant mention the name of it on here just incase I get busted.

Oh and an update on my union, its doing good, a little in-active but not in the slowly dying kinda way, its got a character battle up so I want people to join, and thats something we still need, members. Theres loads of people I can invite, and I also would like some of you who are interested in it (The Free Radical Union) to join too. But im not inviting anyone until this stupid glitch has gone! see....this is what a stupid glitch like this dies to a person...

Well thats all I got to say on that and it better be fixed soon.

See ya ppl8)

MSN, RE3 and other stuff

Hey everyone, last friday I went to see RE: Extinction and gotta say its great, it has some jumpy moments which is cool as thats what they should've had, oh and it also focused on Zombies instead of turning into a Bruce Lee rip-off half way through like RE: yeah, good movie, I enjoyed it so much im gunna go see it again next week:D Well actually its because all my mates wanna go see it now, so I said ill go see it again which is cool:D Just one thing, while watching it you have to pretend there is no such thing as the Resi games because that ruins the movie:D

I got alot of friends on GS, not as much as some ppl, but still quite a few. I never see most of these guys, but some (mainly Marksman:P) I talk to nearly everyday on MSN, also got some other ppl on MSN (Dan_Lero, KrazY KeV, Wii93, Sheena321, Scorpion etc.) but I was wondering if any other ppl have MSN, if not go download it:D If so then add me (if ya want) my addy is -its great talking to ppl on GS and getting to know them better:D

School sucks atm, shouldnt have stayed on...shouldve just got a job or gone college. Ah Im not so active with all this stupid A-level work I have to do (Too damn much of it!). My unions actually going well (after 1 died/revived/dying and the other got destroyed by GS because it had a bypass in the name and was made to 'post offensive content' or sumin like was a good name for a union too and had over 300 members on the second day!...then I got suspended for 5 days...:cry:) so this new one (The Free Radical Union) just needs members and it should be successful:) So go join:D

Not much else to say, so see ya ppl8)


Yeah, so I got my monthly OPM-UK mag today and it had some stuff on TimeSplitters 4 with a small bit of news. So eveyone prepare to meet the greatest soldier to ever walk the earth, and to really finish the fight.....with bananas!!!

masterchimp.jpg picture by TyZeRViRuS

Oh and you can also ask me anything!!! :D

See ya ppl8)

Hey Everyone!

Hey, well this is strangely my first 'proper' blog, ive finished my story so I can now do blogs:) Firstly I want to say that Ive made a union called The Free Radical Union, which is all about Free Radical Design's games; TimeSplitters, Second Sight, the upcoming Haze, and a 'Top Secret' project their working on with Lucas Arts. So I hope you all join:)

I also wanna say thanks to all the people who read my story and im glad you liked it, and as for the 'When are you writing another?' question and 'Are you gunna do another?', well Im not sure, I want to get to know you guys better by writing some blogs, I am thinking of writing a new story or maybe even continuing that one, but im not sure.

My next blog will be an ask me anything one, so start thinking of questions:) Well thats all I got to say at the moment, join my union and take care of yourselves:D Last thing, another question was 'Why did you kill Josie?', well, just because. Ok? Good:D

See ya ppl8)