headline should read --- ASUS putting their stamp on a thing, while not quite performing as well, then charge about 100-200$ more. Don't get me wrong, I do think asus puts out some quality most of the time, but the flash $$$ money is just not for me. Go shove that ROG "gaming" stuff elsewhere. The lights and eccentrics are getting outta hand.
@xikaryo: really? Your just wrote a block complaining about people who leave comments, hah! Or read or write about them!
There really is no better place to watch a speed run, a series run, or a competition, it's basic, it's simple. Watching Capcom Cup for instance was a complete joy. No chance I can compete with the world's best, so why not enjoy it from afar?
As usual just sony just being buttheads. They've always been bad as a company to a consumer. I Don't have a leg in it, i'm just a PC user, but, I think it would be far better off in microsoft's hands rather than those fools at activision blizzard.
@clay544888: many of us didn't go to windows 10, even when they offered the free upgrade. It is for a reason, especially after how badly they botched windows 8,
--- I'm ready to upgrade to windows 9 when it comes out though
I'm glad i skipped out on this console generation.
I just replaced the pins on my original nintendo, it's plays fantastically. And the controller is long as hell instead of being 2.5 feet! Really nintendo..... two and a half feet..... if you wanted me to go blind by sitting too close to the TV you couldve done it in a more subtle way
Tzap's comments