I got a pretty good deal on a PSOne (the smaller version of the PSX) off of E-bay last week and it's finally here! I've been keeping an eye out for one for a while now. Most people would ask why I bought one if I already had a PS2 (which is supposedly backwards compatible). Mine won't play PSX games for some reason. It's one of the older models (not the slimmed down re-released version) released around launch. Anyways, like I said, it was a pretty good deal, especially considering it was still factory sealed. I also bought Final Fantasy VIII which also came factory sealed. I've been hankerin' for some Final Fantasy ever since I bought FFX, and I also plan to buy FFVII, IX and Tactics.
I also got some new CDs that were released in the recent weeks from some of my favorite bands; Slayer, Lamb of God, Unearth, All That Remains and Deicide. As if that wasn't enough heavy music to make my ears beeld, Hatebreed is releasing a new album on the 29th of August.
ULTIMA-Demon Blog
I wish it were Tuesday!
by ULTIMA-Demon on Comments
...because on Tuesday, August 8th, Dead Rising will be available for the 360! Also, the bands Slayer and Unearth release their new albums on the 8th! There's probably a ton of other sick releases, but those are the ones that tickle my fancy. It will also be the determining factor of whether or not I am going to buy an X-box 360 of my own. As of right now, I just play on a friend's 360 since he pretty much has every game worth playing on it right now (and a few not so spectacular). If Dead Rising kicks as much ass as I hope it will, I will probably break down and buy an X-box 360. There are also a few other games that I'd like to own for the 360 including; Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, Need for Speed: Most Wanted, and Madden '07 when it is released later this month. What a day it will be. I think I'll be calling off of work for the rest of the week.
P.S. Slayer's new album, Christ Illusion is available in it's entirety for your listening pleasure at www.myspace.com/slayer.
P.S. Slayer's new album, Christ Illusion is available in it's entirety for your listening pleasure at www.myspace.com/slayer.
Happy Slayer day!!!
by ULTIMA-Demon on Comments
So as a lot of us know, today (June 6th, 2006) has been unofficially dubbed the International Day of Slayer. There is only one 6/6/06 every one hundred years, and what better way to celebrate than listening to Slayer all day as loud as it can possibly be played? Seriously, Slayer is like my all time favorite band... I'm glad they get their own holiday. Hopefully it'll be printed on calenders next century. The new single, "Cult" kicks some major ass. Nothing too new there, just more of what we love from Slayer. I can't wait until I get my hands on the full-length album later this year.
by ULTIMA-Demon on Comments
I'm excited to say that I recently threw down the money for another PC upgrade. I ordered a new video card, an ATI Radeon X850 XT, to replace my ATI Radeon 9600 AIW pro (hopefully the final bottleneck to be worked out, aside from another memory upgrade). I've heard/read so many great reviews about the card. I'm hoping it'll breathe new life into my current AGP system and bring it up to par with today's games until I switch to PCI-E. The card was pretty cheap and is leaps and bounds ahead of my current video card. I can't wait until it arrives.
:D :D :D :D :D :D :D
On a side note, I finally beat Kingdom Hearts (yeah, the first one). I have only had the game for about 2 months, but it has been available for a couple of years now. After beating it, I'm hitting myself for not buying it sooner. I'll try to get a review for it up this week, but I may be a little busy playing KH2. :P
:D :D :D :D :D :D :D
On a side note, I finally beat Kingdom Hearts (yeah, the first one). I have only had the game for about 2 months, but it has been available for a couple of years now. After beating it, I'm hitting myself for not buying it sooner. I'll try to get a review for it up this week, but I may be a little busy playing KH2. :P
Making the jump.
by ULTIMA-Demon on Comments
So I finally broke down and went total access with Gamespot today. I was sceptical at first, considering people don't normally pay for website access (unless it's porn or downloadable music), but after some consideration, I realized that it's just like subscribing to a magazine... only cheaper and better. What started out a couple years ago as a convenient site to look up new game reviews and get some killer guides for when I get stuck, has sinced moved on to a collection tracking, Lo-Res video viewing, constantly updated equivalant to any video game magazine that I subscribe to. Now that I have made the jump to total access and am on the site enough to take advantage of all the exclusives, I feel that it was totally worth it. Hi-Res videos, exclusive interviews, demos, tournaments and much more are all now at my disposal. Not to mention the more recent ability to upload my own videos. It feels pretty good to take full advantage of such a dedicated site that is well maintained and constantly updated with all the latest news, previews and reviews. Like I said before, it's like a magazine subcription... except cheaper, and with videos of gameplay footage and interviews, reviews and previews. Also, you won't be waiting a month for the next batch of videogame news to break it's way into your home. Congratulations Gamespot for making another satisfied customer.
Hurray for Gamestop!
by ULTIMA-Demon on Comments
So I went out earlier today for a cruise. I stop in the mall with no intentions of buying anything. Needless to say, I left with something, well... more than something. Let me tell you, it was quite a bargin. Five, yes five games for under $60. Granted they were all older games for Gamecube and PS2, I still thought it was a hell of a buy. Final Fantasy X (PS2), Final Fantasy: Crystal Cronicles (GC), F-Zero GX (GC), and Metal Gear Solid 2 and 3 (PS2). All of which were released some time ago, but I just never played them. Now I can go spend the next few weeks in the not too distant past, enjoying some solid gaming. Gamestop's prices on used games are ridiculous at times, but I can't complain. The games I bought ranged from $3.99 to $14.99, all used and all promising titles. Although I'll probably be back to Gamestop multiple times, I probably won't be buying any games for the next month or so (atleast that's what I say). I also had to purchase a new PS2 controller, since I broke the L1 button playing God of War. I haven't been able to play it since because the game is nearly impossible without a block button, but now I can finally go back and beat the Challenge of the Gods, and hopefully the entire game on the god mode difficulty. As always, I'll try to put up some reviews for some of these games in a week or so (once I've had time to play them all a good bit).
A couple of titles, a couple reviews...
by ULTIMA-Demon on Comments
My collection is growing ever so rapidly. With six titles in the past two months, it's been pretty hard to stay on one game until I complete it. I just purchased Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes and Rampage: Total Destruction for my Gamecube yesterday. I'm still having a blast with Guitar Hero (which I finally got my review up for) and Kingdom Hearts for my PS2. I also got a review up for Rampage. I know I've only had it for a two days, but I feel I have gotten enough out of it to write an honest review for the fans of the series. I think I am going to take a break from buying games until I can catch up on finishing the ones I already have (atleast until next payday :P ). If you get a chance, check out my reviews and let me know what you think. I'll try to have some more up later this week.
Wii will rise!
by ULTIMA-Demon on Comments
I don't know about anyone else, but after E3 2006, I have never been so pumped about a console since the Nintendo 64 was announced. After seeing the Nintendo press conference here on Gamespot, I have a good feeling that this holiday season, Nintendo will come out on top. I have heard/read nothing but great things about the Wii (except for the name :P ). To be honest, I was worried about what people would think about the controller. After the reaction at E3 though, I know now that my faith was in the right place. I have always had faith in Nintendo for releasing quality products that never fail to entertain. I honestly can not wait for the release of this system, especially now that the launch titles have been announced (20-some odd games in total). Also after hearing that consumers can buy an X-Box 360 and a Wii for the price of a PS3, I know now that the price will be reasonable. Nintendo has always been about the games and have once again skipped out on trying to create the "Ultimate Media Center". Although some of the media features on the X-Box are pretty awesome, I can live without most of them. The PS3 however, I was a bit dissappointed in. Not a very strong set of titles for launch, Sony may struggle this holiday season to compete with Nintendo and Microsoft. With all this said, I must state again that I am extremely excited for the release of the Wii. I'm sure all the Nintendo faithful will feel the same way. Long live the Revolution (Wii)!
E3 Madness!
by ULTIMA-Demon on Comments
It's finally here. The Electronic Entertainment Expo 2006 is finally here. I have never been so pumped about the money I am going to ultimately blow on hundreds of games withing the coming months. It all seems to come so fast, I am still trying to take it all in... but with games on the horizon such as Hellgate: London, Gears of War, Final Fantasy XIII, Halo 3, Metal Gear Solid 4, who can!? I've already got money stashed away for the release of the Nintendo Wii (or Revolution, as I still call it). I also plan on purchasing an X-Box 360 (finally) and a whole slew of games. Also, on a side note, I bought Guitar Hero this week. All I can say about it is wow! It's such an innovated and revolutionary game.. And it's a blast to play. I'll get a review for it up sometime this week.
After 15 months...
by ULTIMA-Demon on Comments
...I finally cancelled my World of Warcraft subscription. After a lot of thought, I realized that the game had gotten a bit stale for me. Don't get me wrong, WoW is one of the best games I have ever played. After so much end-game raiding and after getting decked out in full epic gear, there was nothing left for me. The new job has taken away most of my weekly play time and I had everything I could ever want from the end-game raid instances. Perhaps I'll fire the account back up after the expansion, but until then, it's back to RL, and non-mmo games. I'm currently saving for a Nintendo Revolution, and until that comes out, I'm gonna play all the games I missed out on due to WoW (MGS:3, Oblivion, etc. as well as classic GC, PS2 and even N64 games). Time to get back to the games that everyone else praised while I was in Azeroth, practically living a second life. Feels kinda good to have my time back again. Who knows, I got a stack of games that I have been wanting to review and some treasures from the past that would bolster my collection. Used video game section, here I come.... again :P
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