the core gameplay is the same man. They didnt add anything that changed the gameplay like from quake 1 didnt have crouch and part 2 they added it changed the gameplay alittle and improved strafe jumping.[QUOTE="Ucasuals"][QUOTE="NaveedLife"]
ok. Whatever you say.
- Disarming
- reload animations
- tons of new guns and secondary functions
- bots with changeable difficulty and personality types
- co-op
None of these are considered gameplay? Anyone who has played both games knows that Perfect Dark was way ahead of Goldeneye. I can understand liking the setting of GOldeneye more, but other than that everything is worse.
duke nukem 64 has cooperative nothing new , Bots were in duke nukem 64 dukebots nothing new, played plenty of fps with secondary firing mode on pc before 2000.
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