Usually when a new system like the vita comes out its pouring with games then the system would be announce. Its like the games are the first priority and after is the system. Hmm it feels kind a reverse to me now.
why are they separating us by colors. It should be better to release all the version of vita for everyone so that there won't be any hate building up. It feels like sony prefer one group of their fans and not all.
Its a good gig for the xbox to have an exercising option like the Wii system. I think it won't be as strong as the wii when it comes to burning calories with the Wii being made for playing while moving parts of the body.
Great this could also mean that Hideo Kojima could give us a third installment of his Zone of the Enders saga. I'm very excited since I really enjoyed the last two ZoE.
This could be another bad news for the famous e3 game show. I think gamers will just have to like the small scraps of games that the industry is turning into.I'm one of the people who does not like this at all. There are more games being cut than new title being invented for us.
This is a great news for people who want the new anti rrod of xbox 360 or for people interested to try out microsoft's xbox gaming system. The price is definitely worth the offer and there are games exclusive to microsoft that sure to be enjoyed.
Some of us gamers are suffering because of games being changed by unknown force. I think theres less organized gaming business going on and are more none cooperation based on all the years of study that videogame developers and law makers made.
Why is it that xbox has already confirm it next gen console when theres no games being mention. Its usually the games that are made to hear first than the the manufacturing. This could go the same way as the Vita where the system is failing now because of the small amount of games.
Uchiha_Sasuke1's comments