The title is my favourite line which Harvey Dent spoke in The Dark Knight which I have seen twice since my last blog!
![The Dark Knight](
Lucky me got the chance to see The Dark Knight 2 times instead of once in the time period from the last blog to this one. I'll just explain how I got the pleasure of seeing this move a time more then I thought I would.
You see I saw TDK like I was supposed to with my friend, and then today I was at a different friends house and we decided to go see a movie. And my friend and his younger brother hadn't seen TDK yet and I loved it the first time I saw it so we decided to see it again and let me tell you, it is so much better the second time you see it! You understand everything you didn't the first time around and you can really grasp the awesomness of the whole film.
So here comes my review of in my opinion the best movie of 2008 so far. I'm am not going to bother making some uber awesome review because I am sure most of you have already read enough Dark Knight blogs so I am going to make it fairly short and simple.
The Dark Knight has been called many things, Superb Crime Drama, Excellent Action Thriller, but in my opinion The Dark Knight is one kick ass superhero movie for a guy running around in a Bat suit who doesn't even have superpowers.
Batman is by far my favourite superhero but his movies have never been that good until Batman Begins and now the masterpiece that is The Dark Knight. Every little detail is but into this movie. Heath Ledger puts forth one of the most insane, creepy and completely wierd renditions of the Joker it seams the movie together perfectely. Not to say the other actors like Christian Bale and Aaron Eckhart didn't do a superb job as well.
It is astounding how well the plot weaves from one thing to the next all the while making you excited and scared about what is going to come next. Thats the thing you never know what is going to come next! It is crazy how everything turns out, there is never a time when you know what is going to happen next! Still that isn't everything you need to make such a good movie. You still need great action, special effects and all that other jazz to make a good movie. And yes TDK does do everything right despite a few little unanswered questions at the end which I will not spoil.
Alright The Dark Knight does live up to my expectations, in fact it exceeds them despite just a few questions left unanswered The Dark Knight is a fantastic movie that should be remembered and that does deserve those awards that I do not no the name of:D
I also forgot my brother got Rock Band for PS2, but more on that in my next blog I'd say this one was long enough, wouldn't want to make this blog as long as one of Fetus Zero's now would we;) Just kiddin' buddy I enjoy reading your blogs:P
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