Well I am bored right now so I mind as well do a blog about My top ten video game characters.
Beware this is just my opinion you do not have to agree.
10. Luigi - Mario's really cool brother:P And he wears overalls:lol:
9. Mario - A great character. Many people would have Mario as their number one. But I have other characters in mind.
8. Banjo & Kazooie - These guys are great. From their first appearance in Banjo Kazooie I have loved them. That is why they are my number 9.
7. Link - One of my most beloved characters. From the beginning when I saw him I loved him and his games:P Or Zelda's actually:P
6. Spryo the Dragon - Hey he's a Dragon! Must I say more?:lol: But really Spyro was always one of my favourites back on the PlayStation. Even though his games IMO are not as great today I still think he is great:)
5. Crash Bandicoot - Better known for his racing games that is where he found a place in my gamer heart. Crash may not say much but he is definetly prett cool:)
4. Jak - Naughty Dog presents JAK!!!! Yay for Jak. Jak II and III have always been one of may favourite platformers and that is why Jak gets 5 in my top 10!
3. Ratchet - What looks like a giant rabbit with a wrench is much, much more than that. He is a awesome character in some of my favourite games of all time! Thanks for being so cool buddy:lol:
2. Clank - For a little piece of metal this is one smart robot! Clank is Ratchet's supergenius sidekick and has the power to control little robots with his mind. What more could you want?!
1. And the winner is.. Daxter! From his witty remarks to his awesome orange fuzzy fur Daxter is a ball of fun especially for a sidekick. Although he may not be in my most favourite games, his personality has won me over making him my number 1!
There you have it!
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