Uhero41 / Member

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Uhero41 Blog

I Got a Webcam, and new blog header!

Yes, thats right! I got a webcam woot! I went to Wal-Mart today and picked up a fairly cheap webcam and I am just figuring out how to use it and then I will probably be making videos of me playing video games:P

I also created myself a new blog header that I am very proud of so tell me what you think! If it is not liked I will start working on a new one immeadieatly.

My First User - Submitted Video!

Yes I have I have submitted my first video. It is not much though. Just a simple Spore trailer I downloaded from FileFront. Now that I have got that video I will be getting a emblem for public access!

I also have made my decision on my banner. I'm sorry Fetus but I just couldn't deny Flame's, I just loved it:D Sorry to dissapoint you:(

I need of a profile banner!

Would anyone be able to make me a profile banner? If someone could I would be extremely thankfull. And in case someone didn't see the update I put on my last blog I changed my blog header again. I think it is a bit more suitable. I put a little post on the emblem problem forum and I have yet to recieve a answer but, does anyone know why I might not be getting my 2007 readers choice emblem?


Update on what's going on (Updated! New Blog Header and Images)

I am just making a blog for a update of what is going on around me.


As games go I am working on completing R&C Size Matters, and if it is as short Tikiz says it is I will probably be done soon. I am also working on Timesplitters for my Ps2. There is not much story in the game so basically I only have to explore the multiplayer a bit more and I could start maybe working on a review for that sometime in the future. I am also working on completing 100% of Lego Star Wars II as there is TONS of unlockables! And I am slowly working on my season in Gretzky NHL 06.


Right now in my school it is speech time, and I have decided my topic to be....

Yes it is! Google! Woo Hoo! I am going to get right to work on it. I will probably use wikipedia to for my info because I can not seem to find any books on it. It really is a interesting topic though(surprisingly).


My freewebs site is pretty much the same right now, but feel free to go to the forums any time and post on them. If you need a link to the site click here.

New Blog Header-

I have changed my profile header to a Banjo Kazooie picture! Tell me what you think

Two New Images-

I also have to new images uploaded. The one for my blog header and another one. Check em' out

That is pretty much it right now but I will keep you up to date on what's happening if anything comes up:D

Oh yes! A friend of mine has created a great forum in need of people to post on it truly is great! Right now there is only about six people registered with the forum so if you need a forum feel free to check it out.

A Great Experience!

Yesterday I got a call from a friend, asking if I would like to go night skiing with him. Well I told him I had never skied before and would need some kind of lesson. Sure enough his father was a expert and within three times of going down the "Bunny Hill"(practice hill) I was going down the big hills! Everyone was very surprised that I got the hang of it so fast. Even I was! I actually ended up going into the "Terrain Park", which is a hill with various jumps and rails for experienced skiier's and snowboarder's. At first I went of only tiny jump and got only inches of air. But soon enough I was going off the big jumps and getting around a foot and a half of air! I'm just dumbfounded I actually had the guts to go off the jumps.

In other news I saw the movie 'Gone In 60 Senconds', which was about two brothers who had to build up a crew of highly experienced car-jackers, and steal 50 cars in only one night. The reason? Because one of the brothers had gotten in some deep trouble and the only way out was for the other brother to go back to his old criminal ways and steal 50 cars in one night. It was a ok movie, but it was nothing special in my eyes.

Lego Star Wars II - Review

Yes, it is done my lego star wars review. And guess what! I got the link :O Here it is Read and give me some feedback on what I could do better on my next review.:D


I also changed the whole look of my freewebs site to make it look more 'professional' so check that out again and tell me if you think it looks better. I also fixed the links on the home page:P


Do dev_ron a favor and check out this thread and post on it! http://au.gamespot.com/pages/forums/show_msgs.php?topic_id=26125505

:O No vote for my new avatar link! The voting is over my new avatar is ......

Thanks for voting guys!

Edit: Oooh lucky it is just small enough to be my avatar.

Freewebs Site Ready To Go!(sorta)

Well my freewebs site is sorta finished, I'm sure there is much more I can put on it I just don't no what! I have a forum too. Of course this is all about gaming and stuff. The forum is pretty good and anyone can go and post on the forums. In fact I encourage it you guys! Also look at it and tell me what you think I could add to it and what I can do to improve.

Link - http://www.freewebs.com/maj41


Remeber to keep voting for my new avatar! Link is here

Do dev_ron a favor and check out this thread and post on it! http://au.gamespot.com/pages/forums/show_msgs.php?topic_id=26125505

This darn game may be my number 1 for a while!



Lego Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy is infact my number 1 game to date! This game is amazing!! I know what you think "yeah right lego star wars!" but really you have to play this game it is awesome! The is loads of reaplay value with all the unlockable content. You can create your own character, and can even play the boss fights from the first game(boss fight only on psp)! I am almost finished and I will review it too. Unless something goes horribly wrong at the end this game is a perfect 10!


Remeber to keep voting for my new avatar! Link is here

Do dev_ron a favor and check out this thread and post on it! http://au.gamespot.com/pages/forums/show_msgs.php?topic_id=26125505