Amazon currently has pokemon diamond and pearl selling for $20. I do not know if this is a sale or the new selling price, but if it is not permanent, pick up this great game now!
im gonna assume that you mean games coming out in the few months before the holidays, because if you want older games, just go to the recommendations thread.
-Dragon Quest 4
-Chrono Trigger
-The New Castlevania
-Sonic Cronicles
Thats about it... not to bad, considering how great the year has been so far for the ds.
btw if you want old games, amazon has pokemon diamond marked down to $20!
In california the voters overruled the supreme court and ammended the constitution to define marriage between one man and one woman. The homosexual community took to the street in protest. I don't see why homesexuals still claim that it is hateful to define marriage that way. If that is the case i guess biology is hateful for designing us that way. superheromonkey
why do you happy that some people cant be happy? ... are you jealous?
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