@LT-murphy I no there was suppose 2b a serious point in there. but iv seen 2many of his videos to take nething he says seriously. highly comical though!
@Jerrei @UltimateBastard At the end of the day, the people who own gun stores are running a business. and like any business many are happy enough to cut corners in order to make a quick buck, especially in todays economic climate. And your all very naive if you think the majority are following government legislation to a T.
@Jerrei @UltimateBastard Very informative. unfortunately this system doesnt seem to work as the majority of these shootings seem to be carried out by young people and are therefore less likely to have any convictions and whose mental state has not been diagnosed and might not have been untill years later. As you say this could be due to your government turning a blind eye to mental health care. mental health is hard to diagnose and many would take advantage of this claiming illness where there is none in order to claim benefits costing your health service and the tax payer millions.
@Rennar @UltimateBastard You do realize you missed the point. @ no point did I say all Americans are mentally challenged.I said that idiots like Leland Yee portray to the rest of the world that they are. Bush did it for 8 years. Im sure there are plenty of highly intellectual Americans. unfortunately none of them seem to be on this site.
@Suikogaiden beat the "UK" in the world cup? what? all 4 nations @ the same time. thats pretty impressive. have they just completely cut geography out of your schools curriculum. theres another one for the list. Education system sucks
@Suikogaiden #1 at what exactly? your entire country is built buy foreigners.the majority of research grants in your uni's are going to foreign students. your only #1 at your sports cause no one else in the world wants to play them cause they suck.large amounts of your tv shows are being filmed in Canada these days. Your military have been fighting unwinnable wars for 10 years now, that they shouldnt have started in the first place.the list is endless. so what exactly are you #1 @?
As usual Americans get it all backwards! A country where you can buy a gun at 18 (some states 16) and drive a car at 16 both lethal weapons but cant drink till your 21. Where you can go into a gun store and buy a gun like your buying sweets. Think its your gun laws that need changing, not the games. Its idiots like this that make the rest of the world think that all Americans are mentally challenged. Never in my life have I played the likes of GTA and felt the urge to go out and run someone over or go on a killing spree
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