Am I the only one who thinks $5 for 3-4 hours in a great deal? I mean, people pay $60 for games that have less than 15 hours of unique content and are satisfied with that, so, by extension, people who are even remotely interested in good zombie stories should be lining up to buy the episodes of the this game. I know I am.
@thewastedyouth Don't take GameSpot, or any reviewer for that matter, as a means to not try out a game. Too many great games go under the radar that way.
This review is ridiculous. "Unnatural enemy spawning" is not a negative, and you can curb the enemy AI by upping the highly customizable difficulty. Also, when it comes to stealth, "crouch-walking everywhere is tedious". This man clearly has never played Metal Gear Solid nor Splinter Cell, both the best video game series of their genre.
Bungie has enough pride to walk away from a series that, should they have continued to work on, would have continued to generate massive amounts of revenue for them.
These comments on Halo games being crap make me laugh. The gaming industry is flooded with so many poor or downright awful games that it has corrupted a vast amount of people's taste in gaming. Every Halo game, with perhaps the exception of ODST, was crafted with love and dedication that you just don't see often. For every AAA title video game you can name, there are 30 more that aren't worth the plastic they're shipped in. Also, before you rant on me being a Halo fanboy, this is coming from a person who won't be buying future Halo games. The Halo series has run its course, and I won't support it following in Call of Duty's steps.
UltraredM's comments