@alaskancrab @Unbound72 @darkess123 $50 for Shadow of Mordor on Steam yet $60 on consoles. Borderlands the Pre Sequel gave you $20 off if you already owned BL1 and BL2. Alien: Isolation $50 on Steam but $60 on console and the same with Lords of the Fallen. Not sure where you are shopping but PC game prices drop substantially quicker than console games and at much lower prices. Purchased Skyrim legendary editon for $14.00 on Steam. Tomb Raider for $7.00. Metro Last Light $7.50 and the list goes on.
@alaskancrab @Unbound72 @darkess123 What? Steam constantly has AAA titles at rock bottom prices. Most PC gamers have more titles on their PC than most console users have from this and last gen combined.
@darkess123 Same could be said about you Sony sheep. If you are not gaming on a PC then you aren't really gaming. You must be really poor if you need to game on that plastic over-hyped piece of plastic PS4. Maybe one day when your balls drop you may be able to experience real gaming on a PC. Until then keep nuzzling Sony's sack like the pathetic hipster you are.
Oh boy...Only an 8 and reviewed by Carolyn? Here comes the rabid sheep crying foul and how TLOU is the greatest achievement mankind has ever witnessed and how numerous hot women flooded their parents basement throwing themselves at them simply because they were part of the TLOU experience. There will surely be many tear soaked PS4 controllers tonight.
People like McHale are not why gaming isn't taken seriously. Just look to Gamespot for their troll articles trying to bait people into flame wars for the sake of getting numbers on the site. Look at the massive amounts of toolbags that play games with their terrible attitudes and superiority complexes. Listen to the mouth breathers spewing hate and insults over the mic in every single online game. Look to to the reviews done on games and how the fanboys react when their game doesn't achieve the score they believe it should have gotten which is usually followed with wishing death on the reviewer or at the least wanting said reviewer to have his job terminated. It's not really that hard to see why gaming and gamers are considered a joke among many.
@Ghosthunter54 So what you are saying is that the VERY first time you EVER piloted a plane/chopper, you were instantly an All-Star Ace pilot that knew all there was to know and you never crashed and killed anyone?
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