God forbid some lazy basement dweller would have to take time from leaving their couch while scarfing down their Hotpockets and M-Dews to actually get on the system and do it like the "old days".... Wasn't Sony even going to add a "sweat sensor" on the controller to let the lazy bastards know to take a break before they dehydrate or some shit?
@00J @jo8n3645 Agreed. I couldn't stop playing this game. Had a blast from start to finish. Not often a game can bring a smile to my face the way SR4 did.
@55584623 @NoAngle So you admit that your an ignorant troll that gets his jollies off by ranting about a product that you have no intentions of buying....Your parents failed you miserably.
@55584623 @turretx7 All that matters in the end is if they deliver a great product. I couldn't give two-shits less if they flip flop on some of their policies as long as in the end it delivers. You Sony sheep act like a bunch of scorned kids. When you grow up perhaps you'll realize life isn't all rainbows and hot pockets.
@Stag_Lee @SavoyPrime I don't know man. Reading the comments lately really makes me believe Sony's customers ARE simple-minded children. Makes me feel embarrassed that I actually pre-ordered a PS4.
@SamehH99 @Unbound72 Actually if you have read my first sentence you would see that I stated I replayed it to see if I felt any differently from my previous thoughts. Reading is hard sometimes I know....
Beat the game again just to see if I thought any differently about the game. Opinion has not changed. It is a good game but not even close to perfect like so many claim.
The A.I is absolutely asinine. Sneaking around an area trying to be stealthy all the while Ellie or whomever you are with are standing up and running past you and walking with heavy footsteps or still holding an on going conversation just kills it.
This so called relationship between Ellie and Joel is practically non-existent. Most of the game he just grumbles short remarks at her and when they finally do seem like they are starting to connect the game is over anyways.
Mediocre textures throughout the game with very linear pathing.
Low replay value. Once you beat it going back again doesn't add anything to it. Story won't change and there isn't any real decision making so it's just a complete repeat.
Don't get me wrong it is a good game. Just not perfect or worthy of a 10. I still think it is worthy of a rental or perhaps buying it when the price drops but not worth $60.00
Unbound72's comments