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Zap Zap!

So, I bought the Wii Zapper today - pure impulse buy (although I have wanted it due to the included Zelda game). I didn't even know it had finally come out over here in Sweden. It was a rip-off at around $50 bucks, but that is cheap considering I saw it for around $65 just 15 minutes before buying it somewhere else.

Sometimes I really hate living in Sweden.

I wouldn't say that I am disappointed, but I can at least say that both the zapper and the game are nothing more special than I had expected. The game is just another generic Wii minigame collection (these are getting really old, Nintendo), and the controller is a bit uncomfortable. It doesn't work to hold it one handed, and even two-handed it's just a carple-tunnel syndrome making machine.

It's not horrible though, and I would recommend it to any Zelda freaks who want something new with our lovable hero in it.

But sadly like many Wii games/components - it's quite gimmicky.

Maybe I will write a review on it after finishing my review on Mass Effect.

Patriotic Gamers

Something I will never fully understand about most gamers is the sense of patriotism that burns within so many of their hearts. Not necessarily patriotic towards their countries, but overly patriotic to their console of choice. It's like you would think they had an intimate role in developing the system or have stock in the company that manufactures the system. As soon as you criticize a single aspect of their beloved mother-system, they will blow up on you and start a war.

I just don't understand it. Maybe it's just because I am fortunate enough to own all three of the current consoles, and both handhelds, and have learned to embrace games of all walks of life.

No gaming console is perfect, although most gamers seem to act like they are, and seem incapable of handling any sort of criticism directed at the hardware they are currently loyal to.

Man, console makers sure have us whipped in line.

I wouldn't be surprised if many of us would go off to wars and die for our favorite gaming consoles.


Take a chill pill.


Finally finished the Simpsons review.... Holy macaroni, that felt like one of the longest I've written lately.

Now it is onwards to writing one on Mass Effect, so I can finally move on from that game and play something new.

I have Folklore here which I haven't even played yet (other than the demo) and the strategy guide as well... It is just beckoning me to play it, but I feel like I have to write the review on Mass Effect or I will never get it done.

woe is me :(

blah blah reviewing blah

I want to finish up this blasted review I'm doing on The Simpsons Game, but I keep getting distracted...


I also am wondering why my recently submitted review for Super Mario Galaxy isn't showing up under my contributions. I got the impression, from the reviews I added the other day, that these were added instantly, but am now left wondering if that is the case.

So far, I am enjoying being a member of Gamespot - I can't believe it took me nearly a decade to sign-up. I love the download speeds I get on files since I subscribed, but I only wish that the download manager tool was available on Linux as well. Why do Windows users always get everything? waaa waaa... Oh, that's right, because people are computer-illiterate, and corporat-bred into thinking Windows is all there is.

grrrr again

(second post - not sure what is up with GameSpot's server ,or my connection to it, but I had to post the Mario Galaxy review twice and now this blog post. And then my Xbox crashes on me after a bug in Mass Effect... Great!)

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