@mesome713: It's pretty hard to top the day and night Valak Mountain music in the original Xenoblade. Especially the day music
Bummer hearing about the lackluster characters, story and music since they were so amazing in the first Xenoblade.
@deviltaz35: Same as Dark Souls to Bloodborne, yet people (most that haven't even played it) claim that BB is a carbon copy of DS. Ridiculous. Demon's Souls is definitely a lot closer to Dark Souls is than Dark Souls is to Bloodborne
@gameroutlawzz: Have you never played a Souls game? You can use either player, or AI companions in all of the games.
@goodgamesguy: You don't have to start a new character. The DLC can be accessed at any time after killing Amelia
@kazeswen: Actually, Dark Souls was a Demon's Souls clone. You really sound like one of those anti AAA hipsters.
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