I am surprised that they kept Kratos. It's a reboot into Norse Mythology with different plot and gameplay. It's a chance to use a new character. If they are drawing in people who have never played GoW, whether it's Kratos makes no difference. People who have enjoyed GoW may not like this new Kratos. Some already don't. I look forward to seeing what effect Sony Santa Monica is trying to achieve.
Have you ever played a game where you felt the AI was more real than your dog? Strip away all the narrative and mechanical constraints. The Last Guardian has a huge challenge. I hope it turns out well.
Cavia, not Platinum Games, developed Nier. From what I watched of Nier's gameplay, it's not the same kind of game as Bayonetta. It's less sexy but has a deeper story and richer environment. I don't really feel the sexiness of Nier: Automata, so that may be the wrong expectation for the game.
I don't understand why they're remaking the latest game. Surely a remake of either Morrowind or Oblivion will have a greater impact. Maybe even Daggerfall, but that may be too much work.
I also heard rumors that Fallout 4 mods disable achievements. Is there any truth to that? I hope Bethesda is not thinking of using this "Special Edition" to screw over PC mod users. After like 400 hours, I still haven't finished the story and gotten their achievements yet.
Who markets these things? A chimpanzee? This should have been a back channel, hush-hush collector's item available only to selected clientele and advertised through diehard fan events. I don't know if Bethesda wanted to generated some buzz with a public announcement, but it just cheapens the whole business.
"What advantages does this [screen on the arm] have over say.. a [smartphone]? Which I could also afford."
"Well, you'll notice how the [working knobs give you an out-of-game immersion], and the... *homer drives off.... comes back* [bathes you in its luminescent glow]. Well homer, shall we discuss the..
"No we shant.... yoink!"
Sadly, not even Homer can pilfer anything of worth after the yoink.
The trailer lacks mojo. Volition is trying too hard. Here is a quote from SR3 I find illustrative:
"You're robbing a bank dressed...like yourselves..." (That is totally SR3 and totally awesome.)
"Hell yeah! Who doesn't want to be Johnny Gat?" (A little lame)
I look at the trailer for Agents of Mayhem, and I wonder: Is anyone in it having fun? Except the guy with the phone. Sadly he doesn't appear to be a methods actor or do his own stunts.
When I first played this game, I was bothered by random encounters in FF. The combat of this game blew my mind. When the I saw the anime opening in the PS One remake, it blew my mind again. I don't know if my mind can be blown a third time, but this is my favorite game on PS One, so chances are good it'd get my business.
Unfallen_Satan's comments